[rt-users] Setting owner when creating ticket

jmalhi vsgalaxydrop at gmail.com
Tue Jul 2 13:35:28 EDT 2013

I have setup two queue's "General" and "Supplies". I have created two groups
"General staff" and "Supplies Staff" which include one Privileged user each.
My issue is that when a user belonging to General creates a ticket in
supplies queue, he is able set the owner which is what I don't want. Is that
the default behavior? so If users are privileged, they can set owner in any
queue when creating a ticket even if they don't belong to that queue in
anyway. What am I missing, please help. Thanks.


Privileges granted:
General queue:
 - Everyone: none
 - Privileged: CreateTicket and SeeQueue
 - Unprivileged: CreateTicket and SeeQueue
 - AdminCc: ShowTicket
 - Cc: ShowTicket
 - Owner: ShowTicket
 - Requestor: ShowTicket
User Groups:
 - General Staff: CreateTicket, ReplyToTicket, ShowTicket, OwnTicket,

Supplies queue:
 - Everyone: none
 - Privileged: CreateTicket and SeeQueue
 - Unprivileged: CreateTicket and SeeQueue
 - AdminCc: ShowTicket
 - Cc: ShowTicket
 - Owner: ShowTicket
 - Requestor: ShowTicket
User Groups:
 - Supplies Staff: CreateTicket, ReplyToTicket, ShowTicket, OwnTicket,

No global permissions are given to any group, role or user

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