[rt-users] Custom field appearance and single column ticket creation

Landon landonstewart at gmail.com
Tue Jul 9 12:42:01 EDT 2013

When creating an RTIR "Investigations" ticket I'd like to modify the size
of some of my custom fields and possibly having the "Basics" section with
the custom fields in one column above the Launch a New Investigation
section.  I might also have to have more than one column *within* the
Basics section so that the custom fields don't cause the entire page to be
too long.

I've read to make such modifications in files
within /opt/rt4/local/plugins/RT-IR/html/Callbacks/RTIR/Ticket/Elements/EditCustomFields/
but I'm not sure I'm getting the hang of Mason markup.

Am I at least on the right track?

Landon Stewart <LandonStewart at Gmail.com>
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