[rt-users] Migration Prep

Paul O'Rorke paul at tracker-software.com
Mon Jul 29 17:30:35 EDT 2013

Thanks Kevin,

I'm going through that right now.  I must admit I'm a little confused by 
the whole LifeCycle thing.  I'm going through 
http://bestpractical.com/docs/rt/4.0/customizing/lifecycles.html now to 
see if I can swing this.

In the meanwhile I am finding that after running *make upgrade-database* 
(took me through all the upgrades from 3.8.4 to 4.0.15) and then trying 
to set up Apache again I'm running into a loop on the login page.  If I 
run Apache I don't get a login page at all.  If I stop Apache and start


then I get:

Reason: your browser did not supply a Referrer header 
[Mon Jul 29 21:25:46 2013] [notice]: Marking original destination as 
having side-effects before redirecting for login.
Request: /rt/NoAuth/Login.html?next=d820f5cbf943dfe116cbee257b840411
Reason: your browser did not supply a Referrer header 
[Mon Jul 29 21:26:00 2013] [error]: FAILED LOGIN for root from (/opt/rt4/sbin/../lib/RT/Interface/Web.pm:753)
[Mon Jul 29 21:26:12 2013] [error]: FAILED LOGIN for rtuser from (/opt/rt4/sbin/../lib/RT/Interface/Web.pm:753)

I'm assuming I've not actually managed to get my database upgraded 
properly as I'm very confident of the credentials used (tried others as 
well that worked in 3.8.4).  After running *make upgrade-database* do I 
still need to do the individual upgrades in each of the README files for 
the various updates or does *make upgrade-database* effectively do the same?


*Paul O'Rorke*
Tracker Software Products
paul at tracker-software.com <mailto:paul.ororke at tracker-software.com>

On 7/26/2013 5:53 AM, Kevin Falcone wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 25, 2013 at 01:47:07PM -0700, Paul O'Rorke wrote:
>>     I meant the README Docs in the installer archive mostly.
>>     My concern with the migration is that I used custom statuses for queues and I have to now use
>>     the LifeCycle set up.  I wasn't sure how the DB restore would go because I imagine I'm going
>>     to have different fields in my database than what 4.0.18 expects.  Anyway - installing 4.0.14
>>     on my new server now and will get back I'm sure if I run into any troubles...
> To start, just port your custom statuses to LifeCycles.  That should
> be as easy as adding them to the active and inactive lists and
> defining some transitions.
> Once you're migrated, you can deal with tweaking them to be more
> complicated.
> -kevin

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