[rt-users] CustomField Transactions Options?

Kai Storbeck kai at xs4all.nl
Tue Jun 25 16:22:57 EDT 2013

Hi mloughran,

On 6/24/13 5:58 PM, Emmanuel Lacour wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 24, 2013 at 08:26:53AM -0700, namespace wrote:
>> I have a custom field entry that when selected, I want to automatically add a
>> watcher to the ticket in question.  As it stands,  this CustomField called
>> *'Service Type'* has an entry for PO's that when selected should add
>> 'purchasing at fibermedia.net' as a watcher without having the operator
>> manually add the entry.  I don't see anywhere in the customfield options to
>> add a watcher, only to notify existing individuals associated with the
>> ticket.  Anyone got any input on this?

I ran into a quite similar case just a few months ago.

> You have to do this with a "scrip".

Our Custom Condition Code checks if the customfield 'Severity' is changed:

>     return 0 unless $self->TransactionObj->Type eq 'CustomField';
>     my $cf = RT::CustomField->new( $self->CurrentUser );
>     $cf->SetContextObject( $self->TransactionObj );
>     $cf->Load( $self->TransactionObj->Field );
>     return 1 if $cf->Name() eq 'Severity';
>     return 0;

And for our custom action prepare (or cleanup, I never know which to pick):

>     for ($self->TransactionObj->NewValue) {
>         if (m/^Major$/) {
>             $self->TicketObj->AddWatcher(Type => 'Requestor', Email => 'major-incident at name.local');
>         }
>         elsif (m/^Critical$/) {
>             $self->TicketObj->AddWatcher(Type => 'Requestor', Email => 'critical-incident at name.local');
>         }
>     }
>     for ($self->TransactionObj->OldValue) {
>         if ( m/^Critical$/ ) {
>              $self->TicketObj->DeleteWatcher(Type => 'Requestor', Email => 'critical-incident at name.local');
>         }
>         elsif ( m/^Major$/ ) {
>              $self->TicketObj->DeleteWatcher(Type => 'Requestor', Email => 'major-incident at name.local');
>         }
>     }
>     return 1;

The added (or removed) watcher addresses expand to SMS in this case.


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