[rt-users] allign custom fields in ticket creation

Philippe Dhont Dhont.Philippe at vlaamsoogpunt.be
Tue Apr 8 06:00:59 EDT 2014

I installed RT 4.2.3 and made a custom field for ticket creation.
The custom field works and is visible but it is aligned on the left and the other standard fields (queue, requestor etc...)  are aligned in the middle.
How can I align the custom field the same as the other fields ?

<p><a href="http://www.blindenzorglichtenliefde.be/nl/Schenken"><img src="http://www.vopserver.be/mailfooters/schenken.jpg" alt="Schenk Online" name="schenk Online" width="170" height="125" border="0" id="Schenk Online" /></a>

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