[rt-users] warning message on set ReferTo

Alex Peters alex at peters.net
Thu Dec 25 21:40:48 EST 2014

The line in your first message:


has a typo in "RecordTransaction", but I'm not sure that that parameter
actually applies to the AddLink method.  It can probably be removed
altogether.  In any case, I don't think that that is causing any problems.

Your scrip with the user-defined condition ("on create, if ticket subject
is not 'New App Request' and To: header does not include xxxxx at yyyyy.com")
doesn't seem relevant in this case, since your script doesn't appear to be
creating tickets.

I notice that you've only provided 70 lines of your script (79 lines are
missing).  I can't see any obvious problems with the code you've provided.
I suspect that the warnings are being caused by something earlier in the

Out of curiosity, why do you run this code as a standalone script instead
of a scrip?  Your script operates specifically on Create transactions, so
wouldn't it be preferable to create all of the links at the time of ticket

On 25 December 2014 at 19:23, Payam Poursaied <me at payam124.com> wrote:

> Hi Alex
> That line copied exactly from the script.
> The whole idea of my script is searching for specific ticket based on
> customefiled and refer a newly created ticket to the first ticket which has
> the same customfiled value.
> First it fills some customfields based on body of the first transaction
> and tries then find the first ticket which is similar to that ticket (i.e.
> has the same value in one of its customfield) and creates a “Refer To” link
> to that ticket.
> Concept is very similar to
> http://requesttracker.wikia.com/wiki/AddRefersToOnEqualCustomField but
> instead of putting the code as a “Scrips” I run it as a standalone perl
> script.
> I have put my code and some of the errors below
> The only thing which might be relevant to this case is, I have one scrips
> with user defined condition.
> The condition code is in the below table:
> return 0 unless $self->TransactionObj->Type eq "Create";
> my $ChatArchiverTo='xxxxx\@yyyyy.com';
> my $scrip='scripname';
> my $TO="";
> if (defined($self->TransactionObj->Attachments->First->GetHeader("To"))){
> $TO = $self->TransactionObj->Attachments->First->GetHeader("To");
> }
> if($self->TicketObj->Subject =~ m/New App Request/){
>    return 0;
> }
> if (($TO =~ /$ChatArchiverTo/i)){
>    $RT::Logger->debug( "$scrip: $TO found in to");
>    return 0;
> }
> else{
>    $RT::Logger->debug( "$scrip: $TO was not found in to");
>    return 1;
> }
> my $tickets = new RT::Tickets($RT::SystemUser); # Used to store Ticket
> search results
> $tickets->LimitQueue(VALUE =>'Appforall');
> $tickets->LimitSubject(VALUE=>'New App Request', OPERATOR=>'=');
> $tickets->LimitId(VALUE=>3234491,OPERATOR=>'>');
> $tickets->OrderByCols({FIELD=>'Id', ORDER =>'ASC'});
> $tickets->LimitCustomField(CUSTOMFIELD => $afa_req_type,
>                             OPERATOR    => "!=",
>                             VALUE       => $afa_req_type_type);
> while (my $Ticket = $tickets->Next) {
>      my $customer_id="";
>      my $app_name="";
>      my $txns = $Ticket->Transactions;
>      while (my $txn = $txns->Next ) {
>         if ($txn->Type ne 'Create'){
>             next;
>         }
>         my $attachments = RT::Attachments->new($txn->CurrentUser);
>         $attachments->Limit( FIELD => 'TransactionID', VALUE => $txn->id );
>         $attachments->ContentType (VALUE => 'text/plain');
>         $attachments->OrderBy( FIELD => 'Id', ORDER => 'ASC' );
>         while ( my $a = $attachments->Next ) {
>                if($a->Content =~ /customer_id = (\d+).*app_name =
> ([^\n]+)/s){
>                   $customer_id=$1;
>                   $app_name=$2;
>                   last;
>                }
>            }
>        }
>       if ($customer_id  eq '' or $app_name eq ''){
>          print "ERROR: customer_id or app_name for ticket $Ticket->Id did
> not find\n";
>          next;
>       }
>       my $ptickets =  new RT::Tickets($RT::SystemUser);
>       $ptickets->LimitQueue(VALUE =>'Appforall');
>       $ptickets->LimitCustomField(CUSTOMFIELD => $afa_req_type,
>                             OPERATOR    => "=",
>                             VALUE       => $afa_req_type_type);
>       $ptickets->LimitCustomField(CUSTOMFIELD => $afa_appname,
>                             OPERATOR    => "=",
>                             VALUE       => "$app_name");
>       $ptickets->LimitId(VALUE=>$Ticket->Id,OPERATOR=>'<');
>       $ptickets->LimitId(VALUE=>3234491,OPERATOR=>'>');
>       $ptickets->OrderByCols({FIELD=>'Id', ORDER =>'ASC'});
>       my $pticket_id='';
>       if (my $PTicket=$ptickets->Next){
>          $pticket_id=$PTicket->Id;
>       }
>       print
> $Ticket->Id,"\t",$customer_id,"\t",$app_name,"PARENT-----$pticket_id\n";
>       if (defined($ARGV[0]) and  $ARGV[0] eq 'set'){
>       $Ticket->AddCustomFieldValue(Field=>$afa_channel,
>                                 Value=>$afa_chat,
>                                  RecordTransaction=>0);
>       $Ticket->AddCustomFieldValue(Field=>$afa_req_type,
>                                 Value=>$afa_req_type_type,
>                                  RecordTransaction=>0);
>       $Ticket->AddCustomFieldValue(Field=>$afa_customerid,
>                                 Value=>$customer_id,
>                                  RecordTransaction=>0);
>       $Ticket->AddCustomFieldValue(Field=>$afa_appname,
>                                 Value=>$app_name,
>                                  RecordTransaction=>0);
>       if ($pticket_id ne ''){
> $Ticket->AddLink(Type=>'RefersTo',Target=>$pticket_id,RecordTransactiosn=>0);
>       }
>       }
>   } # Ticket loop
> $RT::Handle->Disconnect();
> exit;
> [21743] [Mon Dec 22 08:21:54 2014] [warning]: RT::Handle=HASH(0x802572660)
> couldn't execute the query 'SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT main.id) FROM Scrips
> main JOIN ObjectScrips ObjectScrips_1  ON ( ObjectScrips_1.Scrip = main.id
> ) JOIN ScripConditions ScripConditions_2  ON ( ScripConditions_2.id =
> main.ScripCondition )  WHERE (ObjectScrips_1.ObjectId = '120' OR
> ObjectScrips_1.ObjectId = '0') AND (ObjectScrips_1.Stage =
> 'TransactionBatch') AND (ScripConditions_2.ApplicableTransTypes LIKE
> '%AddLink%' OR ScripConditions_2.ApplicableTransTypes LIKE '%Any%') AND
> (main.Disabled = '0') ' at
> /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.14.2/DBIx/SearchBuilder/Handle.pm line 602.
> DBIx::SearchBuilder::Handle::SimpleQuery(RT::Handle=HASH(0x802572660),
> "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT main.id) FROM Scrips main JOIN ObjectSc"...)
> called at /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.14.2/DBIx/SearchBuilder.pm line
> 295
>         DBIx::SearchBuilder::_DoCount(RT::Scrips=HASH(0x80dd41c18)) called
> at /opt/rt4/lib//RT/SearchBuilder.pm line 996
>         RT::SearchBuilder::_DoCount(RT::Scrips=HASH(0x80dd41c18)) called
> at /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.14.2/DBIx/SearchBuilder.pm line 1471
>         DBIx::SearchBuilder::Count(RT::Scrips=HASH(0x80dd41c18)) called at
> /opt/rt4/lib//RT/Scrips.pm line 495
>         RT::Scrips::_FindScrips(RT::Scrips=HASH(0x80dd41c18), "Stage",
> "TransactionBatch", "Type", "AddLink") called at /opt/rt4/lib//RT/Scrips.pm
> line 343
>         RT::Scrips::Prepare(RT::Scrips=HASH(0x80dd41c18), "Type",
> "AddLink", "TransactionObj", RT::Transaction=HASH(0x80deae7b0), "Ticket",
> undef, "TicketObj", RT::Ticket=HASH(0x80dd41600), ...) called at
> /opt/rt4/lib//RT/Scrips.pm line 291
>         RT::Scrips::Apply(RT::Scrips=HASH(0x80dd41c18), "Stage",
> "TransactionBatch", "TicketObj", RT::Ticket=HASH(0x80dd41600),
> "TransactionObj", RT::Transaction=HASH(0x80deae7b0), "Type", "AddLink",
> ...) called at /opt/rt4/lib//RT/Ticket.pm line 2598
>         RT::Ticket::_ApplyTransactionBatch(RT::Ticket=HASH(0x80dd41600))
> called at /opt/rt4/lib//RT/Ticket.pm line 2569
>         RT::Ticket::ApplyTransactionBatch(RT::Ticket=HASH(0x80dd41600))
> called at /opt/rt4/lib//RT/Ticket.pm line 2639
>         RT::Ticket::DESTROY(RT::Ticket=HASH(0x80dd41600)) called at 02.pl
> line 149
>         eval {...} called at 02.pl line 149
> (/usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.14.2/Carp.pm:169)
> [82765] [Thu Dec 25 04:19:52 2014] [warning]: RT::Handle=HASH(0x802572648)
> couldn't execute the query 'SELECT  * FROM Tickets WHERE id = ?' at
> /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.14.2/DBIx/SearchBuilder/Handle.pm line 602.
> DBIx::SearchBuilder::Handle::SimpleQuery(RT::Handle=HASH(0x802572648),
> "SELECT  * FROM Tickets WHERE id = ?", 3330370) called at
> /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.14.2/DBIx/SearchBuilder/Record.pm line 1234
> DBIx::SearchBuilder::Record::_LoadFromSQL(RT::Ticket=HASH(0x80beca300),
> "SELECT  * FROM Tickets WHERE id = ?", 3330370) called at
> /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.14.2/DBIx/SearchBuilder/Record.pm line 1153
> DBIx::SearchBuilder::Record::LoadByCols(RT::Ticket=HASH(0x80beca300), "id",
> 3330370) called at
> /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.14.2/DBIx/SearchBuilder/Record/Cachable.pm
> line 120
> DBIx::SearchBuilder::Record::Cachable::LoadByCols(RT::Ticket=HASH(0x80beca300),
> "id", 3330370) called at /opt/rt4/lib//RT/Record.pm line 396
>         RT::Record::LoadByCols(RT::Ticket=HASH(0x80beca300), "id",
> 3330370) called at
> /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.14.2/DBIx/SearchBuilder/Record.pm line 1168
> DBIx::SearchBuilder::Record::LoadById(RT::Ticket=HASH(0x80beca300),
> 3330370) called at /opt/rt4/lib//RT/Ticket.pm line 146
>         RT::Ticket::Load(RT::Ticket=HASH(0x80beca300), 3330370) called at
> /opt/rt4/lib//RT/Ticket.pm line 2581
>         RT::Ticket::_ApplyTransactionBatch(RT::Ticket=HASH(0x80becab88))
> called at /opt/rt4/lib//RT/Ticket.pm line 2569
>         RT::Ticket::ApplyTransactionBatch(RT::Ticket=HASH(0x80becab88))
> called at /opt/rt4/lib//RT/Ticket.pm line 2639
>         RT::Ticket::DESTROY(RT::Ticket=HASH(0x80becab88)) called at 02.pl
> line 149
>         eval {...} called at 02.pl line 149
> (/usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.14.2/Carp.pm:169)
> [82765] [Thu Dec 25 04:19:52 2014] [warning]: TransactionBatch was fired
> on a ticket that no longer exists; unable to run scrips!  Call
> ->ApplyTransactionBatch before shredding the ticket, for consistent
> results. (/opt/rt4/lib//RT/Ticket.pm:2588)
> *From:* Alex Peters [mailto:alex at peters.net <alex at peters.net>]
> *Sent:* Wednesday, December 17, 2014 2:31 PM
> *To:* Payam Poursaied; rt-users at lists.bestpractical.com
> *Subject:* Re: [rt-users] warning message on set ReferTo
> I can't see any obvious problems based on your error messages.
> There seems to be a typo in the code.  Is that directly copied from your
> script?
> Have you considered enabling debugging from within your script?
> On Thu, 18 Dec 2014 5:04 am Payam Poursaied <me at payam124.com> wrote:
> Hi All
> I have created a script which has below command to create a link
> $Ticket->AddLink(Type=>'RefersTo',Target=>$pticket_id,RecordTransactiosn=>0)
> ;
> When I run the script ReferTo link created, but I got below warning as
> well.
> RT version 4.2.8
> And line 149 of 02.pl is exit line.
> Any idea?
> [85829] [Wed Dec 17 07:14:20 2014] [warning]: RT::Handle=HASH(0x802572648)
> couldn't execute the query 'SELECT  * FROM Tickets WHERE id = ?' at
> /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.14.2/DBIx/SearchBuilder/Handle.pm line
> 602.
> DBIx::SearchBuilder::Handle::SimpleQuery(RT::Handle=HASH(0x802572648),
> "SELECT  * FROM Tickets WHERE id = ?", 3311056) called at
> /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.14.2/DBIx/SearchBuilder/Record.pm line
> 1234
> DBIx::SearchBuilder::Record::_LoadFromSQL(RT::Ticket=HASH(0x80e255cf0),
> "SELECT  * FROM Tickets WHERE id = ?", 3311056) called at
> /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.14.2/DBIx/SearchBuilder/Record.pm line
> 1153
> DBIx::SearchBuilder::Record::LoadByCols(RT::Ticket=HASH(0x80e255cf0), "id",
> 3311056) called at
> /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.14.2/DBIx/SearchBuilder/Record/Cachable.pm
> line 120
> DBIx::SearchBuilder::Record::Cachable::LoadByCols(RT::Ticket=HASH(0x80e255cf
> 0), "id", 3311056) called at /opt/rt4/lib//RT/Record.pm line 396
>         RT::Record::LoadByCols(RT::Ticket=HASH(0x80e255cf0), "id", 3311056)
> called at
> /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.14.2/DBIx/SearchBuilder/Record.pm
> line 1168
>         DBIx::SearchBuilder::Record::LoadById(RT::Ticket=HASH(0x80e255cf0),
> 3311056) called at /opt/rt4/lib//RT/Ticket.pm line 146
>         RT::Ticket::Load(RT::Ticket=HASH(0x80e255cf0), 3311056) called at
> /opt/rt4/lib//RT/Ticket.pm line 2581
>         RT::Ticket::_ApplyTransactionBatch(RT::Ticket=HASH(0x80dd1a9f0))
> called at /opt/rt4/lib//RT/Ticket.pm line 2569
>         RT::Ticket::ApplyTransactionBatch(RT::Ticket=HASH(0x80dd1a9f0))
> called at /opt/rt4/lib//RT/Ticket.pm line 2639
>         RT::Ticket::DESTROY(RT::Ticket=HASH(0x80dd1a9f0)) called at 02.pl
> line 149
>         eval {...} called at 02.pl line 149
> (/usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.14.2/Carp.pm:169)
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