[rt-users] RT 4.2 change scrip stage

Kevin Falcone falcone at bestpractical.com
Thu Jan 30 10:48:39 EST 2014

On Thu, Jan 30, 2014 at 09:25:16AM +0100, Christian Loos wrote:
> Am 29.01.2014 18:44, schrieb Kevin Falcone:
> > I assume you've discovered this by now, but just in case you haven't,
> > the Stage of a scrip is settable on the Applies To page.
> This is not very obviously (for a long time RT admin) ;-)

I agree. 

> > You can actually have a given scrip run as Batch in one queue and
> > Normal (new name for TransactionCreate) in the rest.  You can change
> > the Stage and the Template when adding scrips per queue.
> I think this flexibility is the reason why I have to unselect a scrip
> from a queue and then select it again with a different stage, when I
> want to change the stage of an queue scrip?! Also not very obviously.

While not my favorite workflow, I'm not sure how else that particular
page would allow editing of those attributes (other than a lot of JS
to make the rows clickable editable CRUD, but that was never a 4.2

> Maybe you can add a 'Changing Script Stages' section to the 'What's New
> in 4.2: Scrips Configuration' blog post.

I'm surprised there wasn't a summary of changes document.  I expect
something will get put together as we prep for 4.2 training later this

> By the way the new flexible script configuration (once I understand it
> ;-)) is great as I can remove some queue filter within the scrips and
> also get rid of some repeated scrips for different queues.

That was the major goal.  It's more clicking, but avoids writing all
those filters.

> I just started planning the upgrade to 4.2. If I find things like the
> above I will send you pull request. So maybe you plan some extra time to
> review my pull requests for the next weeks ;-)

I look forward to seeing what you find.

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