[rt-users] Fwd: Why are Asset #'s so naked?

Gustavo Gasparrini gustavo.gasparrini at nixe.com
Mon Jun 9 09:09:53 EDT 2014

Sorry, was my mistake. 
I'm resending the e-mail. 


Gustavo Gasparrini | NIXE S.R.L. 

IT Systems General Manager 


----- Mensaje original -----

De: "Gustavo Gasparrini" <gustavo.gasparrini at nixe.com> 
Para: "Aaron McCormack" <aaronmccormack at outlook.com> 
Enviados: Viernes, 6 de Junio 2014 8:08:36 
Asunto: Re: [rt-users] Why are Asset #'s so naked? 

Hi AAron, 
I'm attaching the files. 
We are using RT 4.2.3. 
You have to replace the attachment files, places in the following path: (The absolut path depends on your installation) 
Please backup first the original ones, just in case that you have to roll back the changes. The best thing is to backup all directories and the DataBase ;-) 


Also, you have to add the following lines in the RT_SiteConfig.pm. 
The first one tells RT, which Asset Status you want to show in the search field. 
The second one, is an standard and tell RT, which queue have to have the search field in the Ticket Update. 

Set(@AssetsActiveStatus, (qw/soporte_activo_FULL soporte_activo_N2 soporte_horas_FULL soporte_horas_BASICO/)); 
Set(@AssetQueues, (Soporte, Desarrollo, General, Nixe, Ingenieria )); 

Finally, you have to delete this objects. (don't worry about that)(take care of your correct path) 

rm -rf /opt/rt4/var/mason_data/obj/* 
Restart the Apache Server. 

1. You have to create Catalogs with the same name of each queue, because we use this to support customers and want to filter differents assets for each customer (queues). 
2. The search field doesn't appear when you create the ticket, because we receive the tickets by email. When you have the ticket created, the search field appear in the ticket form 
3. With "*" the search field retrieve all the Assets that have the Catalog for that Queue, that have the Status you put in the @AssetsActiveStatus 
4. If you begin writing letters, the list view show the Asset that match those letters. 

The next lines are our RT_SiteConf.pm, part that affect Assets, (with some changes), only as a reference, because we change the Standard Status data. 

Set(@AssetQueues, ( Soporte, Desarrollo, General, Nixe, Ingenieria )); 
Set(@AssetsActiveStatus, (qw/soporte_activo_FULL soporte_activo_N2 soporte_horas_FULL soporte_horas_BASICO/)); 
assets => { 
type => "asset", 
initial => [ 'nuevo' ], 
active => [ 'soporte_activo_FULL', 'soporte_activo_N2', 'soporte_horas_FULL', 'soporte_horas_BASICO' ], 
inactive => [ 'sin_soporte', 'borrado' ], 

defaults => { 
on_create => 'nuevo', 

transitions => { 
'' => [qw(nuevo soporte_activo_FULL soporte_activo_N2 soporte_horas_FULL soporte_horas_BASICO sin_soporte)], 
nuevo => [qw(soporte_activo_FULL soporte_activo_N2 soporte_horas_FULL soporte_horas_BASICO sin_soporte)], 
soporte_activo_Full => [qw(soporte_activo_N2 soporte_horas_FULL soporte_horas_BASICO sin_soporte borrado)], 
soporte_activo_N2 => [qw(soporte_activo_FULL soporte_horas_FULL soporte_horas_BASICO sin_soporte borrado)], 
soporte_horas_FULL => [qw(soporte_activo_FULL soporte_activo_N2 soporte_horas_BASICO sin_soporte borrado)], 
soporte_horas_BASICO => [qw(soporte_activo_FULL soporte_activo_N2 soporte_horas_FULL sin_soporte borrado)], 
sin_soporte => [qw(soporte_activo_FULL soporte_activo_N2 soporte_horas_FULL soporte_horas_BASICO borrado)], 
borrado => [qw(soporte_activo_FULL soporte_activo_N2 soporte_horas_FULL soporte_horas_BASICO sin_soporte)], 
rights => { 
'* -> *' => 'ModifyAsset', 
actions => { 
'* -> nuevo' => { label => "En instalación" }, 
'* -> soporte_activo_FULL' => { label => "Con Soporte Activo FULL" }, 
'* -> soporte_activo_N2' => { label => "Con Soporte Activo N2" }, 
'* -> soporte_horas_FULL' => { label => "Soporte por horas ya autorizadas 24 horas" }, 
'* -> soporte_horas_BASICO' => { label => "Soporte por horas ya autorizadas en horario laboral" }, 
'* -> sin_soporte' => { label => "Sin Soporte" }, 
'* -> borrado' => { label => "Borrado" }, 

I hope this work for you. 
Please tell me if you have any problem. 


Gustavo Gasparrini | NIXE S.R.L. 

IT Systems General Manager 


----- Mensaje original -----

De: "Aaron McCormack" <aaronmccormack at outlook.com> 
Para: "gustavo gasparrini" <gustavo.gasparrini at nixe.com> 
Enviados: Jueves, 5 de Junio 2014 22:28:21 
Asunto: RE: [rt-users] Why are Asset #'s so naked? 

Hi Gustavo, 

Would you send me the files? I understand it's without warranty :) 

I think this would be really useful and am also running RT-Assets 1.0.1 on top of RT 4.2.4, thank you! 


From: Gustavo Gasparrini < gustavo.gasparrini at nixe.com > 
Subject: Re: [rt-users] Why are Asset #'s so naked? 
Date: June 5, 2014 at 6:50:20 AM PDT 
To: rt-users at lists.bestpractical.com 

Hi, Al. 

We made some changes to the Create Ticket form, where you can search assets by name or description, filtered by a Status (you have to put which Status to filter in a variable in RT_SiteConfig.pm file) and a Catalog that have to have the same name than the queue. 
If you want, I can send it to you, but without any warranty, because we need to normalize the development. 
I can send you the files that you have to replace for a specific RT version. They are only 3 files. 


Gustavo Gasparrini | NIXE S.R.L. 
IT Systems General Manager 

----- Mensaje original ----- 
De: "Kevin Falcone" < falcone at bestpractical.com > 
Para: rt-users at lists.bestpractical.com 
Enviados: Jueves, 22 de Mayo 2014 17:29:50 
Asunto: Re: [rt-users] Why are Asset #'s so naked? 

On Sun, May 18, 2014 at 11:47:43PM -0400, Al Joslin wrote: 

Why in the world am I required to know an Asset's Number in 
order to use/link it ? Why are there no searching options that 
result in linkage ? Why do I have to find the Asset, write it's 
number on a sticky note and then go to another screen where I 
then enter that number ? I would love to get the FindAsset 
portlet into the Ticket/Create.html -- but there seems to be no 
option for that in the RT_Config. 

I believe most people using it are navigating to the Asset and then 
using Action -> Create linked ticket. 

I suspect you also want to set AssetQueues 


RT Training - Boston, September 9-10 
RT Training - Boston, September 9-10 


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