[rt-users] sphinx weirdness

Arkadiusz Miśkiewicz arekm at maven.pl
Wed Feb 25 04:29:08 EST 2015


rt 4.0.10 + mysql 5.6.22 + sphinx 2.2.7

rt uses such query:

mysql> SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT main.id) FROM Tickets main JOIN Transactions Transactions_1  ON ( Transactions_1.ObjectType = 'RT::Ticket' ) AND ( Transactions_1.ObjectId = main.id ) LEFT JOIN Attachments Attachments_2  
ON ( Attachments_2.TransactionId = Transactions_1.id ) LEFT JOIN AttachmentsIndex AttachmentsIndex_3  ON ( AttachmentsIndex_3.id = Attachments_2.id )  WHERE (main.IsMerged IS NULL) AND (main.Status != 'deleted') AND 
(main.Type = 'ticket') AND ( (  ( main.Subject LIKE '%inconventus%' OR  ( AttachmentsIndex_3.query = 'inconventus' )  )  )  AND  ( main.Status = 'new' OR main.Status = 'open' OR main.Status = 'stalled' ) );
| COUNT(DISTINCT main.id) |
|                       0 |
1 row in set (0.16 sec)

mysql> EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT main.id) FROM Tickets main JOIN Transactions Transactions_1  ON ( Transactions_1.ObjectType = 'RT::Ticket' ) AND ( Transactions_1.ObjectId = main.id ) LEFT JOIN Attachments 
Attachments_2  ON ( Attachments_2.TransactionId = Transactions_1.id ) LEFT JOIN AttachmentsIndex AttachmentsIndex_3  ON ( AttachmentsIndex_3.id = Attachments_2.id )  WHERE (main.IsMerged IS NULL) AND (main.Status != 
'deleted') AND (main.Type = 'ticket') AND ( (  ( main.Subject LIKE '%inconventus%' OR  ( AttachmentsIndex_3.query = 'inconventus' )  )  )  AND  ( main.Status = 'new' OR main.Status = 'open' OR main.Status = 'stalled' ) );
| id | select_type | table              | type  | possible_keys          | key            | key_len | ref                   | rows | Extra                                              |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | main               | range | PRIMARY,tickets_status | tickets_status | 195     | NULL                  | 2228 | Using index condition; Using where                 |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | Transactions_1     | ref   | Transactions1          | Transactions1  | 70      | const,rt3.main.id     |    1 | Using where; Using index                           |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | Attachments_2      | ref   | Attachments2           | Attachments2   | 4       | rt3.Transactions_1.id |    4 | Using index                                        |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | AttachmentsIndex_3 | ALL   | NULL                   | NULL           | NULL    | NULL                  |   20 | Using where; Using join buffer (Block Nested Loop) |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

and as you see above it finds nothing BUT if I remove
"main.Subject LIKE '%inconventus%' OR" from query it finds one ticket, why? :

mysql> SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT main.id) FROM Tickets main JOIN Transactions Transactions_1  ON ( Transactions_1.ObjectType = 'RT::Ticket' ) AND ( Transactions_1.ObjectId = main.id ) LEFT JOIN Attachments Attachments_2  
ON ( Attachments_2.TransactionId = Transactions_1.id ) LEFT JOIN AttachmentsIndex AttachmentsIndex_3  ON ( AttachmentsIndex_3.id = Attachments_2.id )  WHERE (main.IsMerged IS NULL) AND (main.Status != 'deleted') AND 
(main.Type = 'ticket') AND ( (  ( ( AttachmentsIndex_3.query = 'inconventus' )  )  )  AND  ( main.Status = 'new' OR main.Status = 'open' OR main.Status = 'stalled' ) );
| COUNT(DISTINCT main.id) |
|                       1 |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)

mysql> EXPLAIN  SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT main.id) FROM Tickets main JOIN Transactions Transactions_1  ON ( Transactions_1.ObjectType = 'RT::Ticket' ) AND ( Transactions_1.ObjectId = main.id ) LEFT JOIN Attachments 
Attachments_2  ON ( Attachments_2.TransactionId = Transactions_1.id ) LEFT JOIN AttachmentsIndex AttachmentsIndex_3  ON ( AttachmentsIndex_3.id = Attachments_2.id )  WHERE (main.IsMerged IS NULL) AND (main.Status != 
'deleted') AND (main.Type = 'ticket') AND ( (  ( ( AttachmentsIndex_3.query = 'inconventus' )  )  )  AND  ( main.Status = 'new' OR main.Status = 'open' OR main.Status = 'stalled' ) );
| id | select_type | table              | type   | possible_keys          | key     | key_len | ref                             | rows | Extra                             |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | AttachmentsIndex_3 | ref    | query                  | query   | 767     | const                           |    3 | Using where with pushed condition |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | Attachments_2      | eq_ref | PRIMARY,Attachments2   | PRIMARY | 4       | rt3.AttachmentsIndex_3.id       |    1 | Using where                       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | Transactions_1     | eq_ref | PRIMARY,Transactions1  | PRIMARY | 4       | rt3.Attachments_2.TransactionId |    1 | Using where                       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | main               | eq_ref | PRIMARY,tickets_status | PRIMARY | 4       | rt3.Transactions_1.ObjectId     |    1 | Using where                       |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Any idea what is going on? Additional subject searching shouldn't cause such problem
since it's ORed with the rest of that part of query.

Arkadiusz Miśkiewicz, arekm / ( maven.pl | pld-linux.org )

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