[rt-users] Best file layout for Centos7 + apache

Bill Cole rtusers-20090205 at billmail.scconsult.com
Sat May 7 11:58:33 EDT 2016

On 7 May 2016, at 10:46, Duncan Morgan wrote:

> Hello All
> I have previously installed rt4 files in /var/www/rt4 (by setting the 
> $PREFIX) but my concern is that this creates a security risk.

Can you detail that concern? Not saying it's wrong, I just don't see 
anything particularly risky. It's not the way I deploy RT, but I don't 
see a clear risk in it...
> The gist of my questions are what is the minimum set of files required 
> in the web server document root?


I've been running RT versions since v2 from subdirectories of /opt/ 
(i.e. the default layout) on various versions of FreeBSD and Linux and 
never had a need to point a server-wide document root there. I've not 
put a 4.x on CentOS7 instance into production yet, but I have an 
extended demo instance of RT4.4rc1 on CentOS7 system running, being 
lightly exercised and tweaked for a prospective customer for months now 
with no problems related to filesystem location, entirely in /opt/rt4/.

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