[Shipwright] SVN backend

David Good dgood at willingminds.com
Fri Jun 13 15:43:29 EDT 2008

Jesse Vincent wrote:
> On Jun 6, 2008, at 8:40 PM, David Good wrote:
>> I'm just trying out Shipwright and would like to use it with an SVN
>> backend (I'd like to learn SVK, but one thing at a time...).  I keep
>> getting "invalid repository" messages when trying to do a 'shipwright
>> create' and dug into some debugging and found that it uses the 'svn
>> info' command to tell if the repo is valid or not, but (at least the svn
>> version I have -- 1.1.4) requires a working directory rather than a URLs
>> (I see the message "svn: 'svn info' only works on working copy paths,
>> not URLs" when debugging).
>> Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug?
> It's worth getting the current version of Shipwright from 
> code.bestpractical.com. (It's also worth noting that SVN 1.1.x is 
> ancient and that we're targeting "something released in the last 
> couple years" which usually works out to be 1.4.x)

I did check out the Shipwright code from code.bestpractical.com.  I used 
svn 1.1.4 since that's what came packaged with the OS (CentOS 4).  I 
didn't think that the argument type for 'svn info' would've changed 
between those versions, but a quick check on a system with 1.4.6 
installed tells me that it has!  Now I feel like an idiot, since 
RPMforge has a CentOS 4 package for 1.4.6...

Sorry to have bothered you...

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