[svk-devel] SVK MOVE broken in 1.08 across a push/pull?

Derek Atkins warlord at MIT.EDU
Thu Aug 10 19:08:31 EDT 2006


I just updated to 1.08, but it looks like "svk move" is still broken.
I created an SVN repository on a "remote" server, put a couple of
files in it, and then mirrored the repo into svk.  Then I made a local
copy of the mirror.  I made two checkouts, one from the mirror and one
from the local copy of the mirror.  I did 'svk move' from the mirror
checkout and committed.  THAT worked fine, as you can see from from
the logs below.  HOWEVER, when I did an "svk pull" into the local copy
it lost the log info across the move.  This is probably the same problem
I ran into on 1.07 in the other direction.

Am I doing something wrong or is this really a bug?


[warlord at cliodev ~]$ svk mirror /test/mirrors/test svn+ssh://cliosrv.ihtfp.org/repo/test
Committed revision 3.
[warlord at cliodev ~]$ svk sync /test/mirrors/test
Syncing svn+ssh://cliosrv.ihtfp.org/repo/test
Retrieving log information from 1 to 4
Committed revision 4 from revision 1.
Committed revision 5 from revision 2.
Committed revision 6 from revision 3.
Committed revision 7 from revision 4.
[warlord at cliodev ~]$ svk cp /test/mirrors/test /test/local/test
Waiting for editor...
Waiting for Emacs...Done
Committed revision 8.
[warlord at cliodev ~]$ cd /tmp
[warlord at cliodev /tmp]$ mkdir test
mkdir: cannot create directory `test': File exists
[warlord at cliodev /tmp]$ ls -l test
-rwxrwxr-x 1 warlord warlord 4582 Jun 16 13:02 test
[warlord at cliodev /tmp]$ file test
test: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), for GNU/Linux 2.6.9, dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.9, not stripped
[warlord at cliodev /tmp]$ rm test
[warlord at cliodev /tmp]$ mkdir test
[warlord at cliodev /tmp]$ cd test
[warlord at cliodev test]$ svk co /test/mirrors/test mirror
Syncing /test/mirrors/test(/mirrors/test) in /tmp/test/mirror to 8.
A   mirror/dir1
A   mirror/Domestic 9.19.05.xls
[warlord at cliodev test]$ svk co /test/local/test local
Syncing /test/local/test(/local/test) in /tmp/test/local to 8.
A   local/dir1
A   local/Domestic 9.19.05.xls
[warlord at cliodev test]$ pwd
[warlord at cliodev test]$ ls -l
total 16
drwxrwxr-x 3 warlord warlord 4096 Aug 10 18:58 local
drwxrwxr-x 3 warlord warlord 4096 Aug 10 18:58 mirror
[warlord at cliodev test]$ cd mirror/
[warlord at cliodev mirror]$ ls -l
total 40
drwxrwxr-x 2 warlord warlord  4096 Aug 10 18:58 dir1
-rwxrwxr-x 1 warlord warlord 27648 Aug 10 18:58 Domestic 9.19.05.xls
[warlord at cliodev mirror]$ svk move Domestic\ 9.19.05.xls dir1
A   dir1/Domestic 9.19.05.xls
D   Domestic 9.19.05.xls
[warlord at cliodev mirror]$ svk commit -m "move Domestic to dir1"
Commit into mirrored path: merging back directly.
Merging back to mirror source svn+ssh://cliosrv.ihtfp.org/repo/test.
Merge back committed as revision 5.
Syncing svn+ssh://cliosrv.ihtfp.org/repo/test
Retrieving log information from 5 to 5
Committed revision 9 from revision 5.
[warlord at cliodev mirror]$ pwd
[warlord at cliodev mirror]$ cd ../local/
[warlord at cliodev local]$ ls -l
total 40
drwxrwxr-x 2 warlord warlord  4096 Aug 10 18:58 dir1
-rwxrwxr-x 1 warlord warlord 27648 Aug 10 18:58 Domestic 9.19.05.xls
[warlord at cliodev local]$ svk pull
Syncing svn+ssh://cliosrv.ihtfp.org/repo/test
Auto-merging (7, 9) /mirrors/test to /local/test (base /mirrors/test:7).
A   dir1/Domestic 9.19.05.xls
D   Domestic 9.19.05.xls
New merge ticket: 51a47e92-b01a-0410-b17a-b1b5f062dc7e:/test:5
Committed revision 10.
Syncing /test/local/test(/local/test) in /tmp/test/local to 10.
A   dir1/Domestic 9.19.05.xls
D   Domestic 9.19.05.xls
[warlord at cliodev local]$ ls -l
total 8
drwxrwxr-x 2 warlord warlord 4096 Aug 10 19:01 dir1
[warlord at cliodev local]$ svk log dir1/Domestic\ 9.19.05.xls
r10:  warlord | 2006-08-10 19:01:03 -0400

 r9 at cliodev (orig r5):  warlord | 2006-08-10 18:59:30 -0400
 move Domestic to dir1

[warlord at cliodev local]$ svk log -x dir1/Domestic\ 9.19.05.xls
r10:  warlord | 2006-08-10 19:01:03 -0400

 r9 at cliodev (orig r5):  warlord | 2006-08-10 18:59:30 -0400
 move Domestic to dir1

[warlord at cliodev local]$ cd ../mirror/
[warlord at cliodev mirror]$ svk log -x dir1/Domestic\ 9.19.05.xls
r9 (orig r5):  warlord | 2006-08-10 18:59:30 -0400

move Domestic to dir1
r5 (orig r2):  warlord | 2006-08-10 18:33:25 -0400

[warlord at cliodev mirror]$

       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL: http://web.mit.edu/warlord/    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
       warlord at MIT.EDU                        PGP key available

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