[svk-devel] svk 2.0.0 is released.

Joshua Jensen jjensen at workspacewhiz.com
Thu Dec 28 12:49:08 EST 2006

Chia-Liang Kao wrote:
> On behalf of the SVK team, I'm pleased to announce SVK 2.0.0.  This is
I got the RC2 release working fine on Windows.  Upon updating this 
morning to 2.0.0, I get the following:


[U:\svk\2.0-releng]perl Makefile.PL
Could not eval '
            package ExtUtils::MakeMaker::_version;
            no strict;

            local $VERSION;
            $VERSION=undef; do {
                use version; our $VERSION = qv(2.0.0);
            }; $VERSION
        ' in lib/SVK/Version.pm: Can't locate version.pm in @INC (@INC 
 inc C:/Perl/site/lib C:/Perl/lib .) at (eval 6) line 7, <FH> line 53.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at (eval 6) line 7, <FH> line 53.
*** Module::AutoInstall version 1.03


So, I grabbed 'version' from ppm.  Now I get this:


[U:\svk\2.0-releng]perl Makefile.PL
*** Module::AutoInstall version 1.030
*** Checking for Perl dependencies...
[Core Features]
- Test::More                ...loaded. (0.620 >= 0.42)
- version                   ...loaded. (0.680 >= 0.68)
- Algorithm::Annotate       ...loaded. (0.100)
- Algorithm::Diff           ...loaded. (1.190200 >= 1.1901)
- YAML::Syck                ...loaded. (0.720 >= 0.60)
- Data::Hierarchy           ...loaded. (0.300 >= 0.30)
- PerlIO::via::dynamic      ...loaded. (0.120 >= 0.11)
- PerlIO::via::symlink      ...loaded. (0.050 >= 0.02)
- IO::Digest                ...loaded. (0.100)
- SVN::Simple::Edit         ...loaded. (0.270 >= 0.27)
- URI                       ...loaded. (1.350)
- PerlIO::eol               ...loaded. (0.130 >= 0.13)
- Class::Autouse            ...loaded. (1.270 >= 1.15)
- App::CLI                  ...loaded. (0.070)
- List::MoreUtils           ...loaded. (0.210)
- Class::Accessor::Fast     ...loaded. (0.300)
- Class::Data::Inheritable  ...loaded. (0.060)
- Path::Class               ...loaded. (0.160 >= 0.16)
- UNIVERSAL::require        ...loaded. (0.110)
- Term::ReadKey             ...loaded. (2.300)
- Time::HiRes               ...loaded. (1.860)
- File::Temp                ...loaded. (0.170 >= 0.17)
- Encode                    ...loaded. (2.120 >= 2.10)
- Getopt::Long              ...loaded. (2.350 >= 2.35)
- Pod::Escapes              ...loaded. (1.040)
- Pod::Simple               ...loaded. (3.040)
- File::Spec                ...loaded. (3.240 >= 3.19)
- SVN::Mirror               ...loaded. (0.720 >= 0.71)
[Localized messages]
- Locale::Maketext::Lexicon ...loaded. (0.620 >= 0.62)
- Locale::Maketext::Simple  ...loaded. (0.180 >= 0.16)
[Message display through a pager]
- IO::Pager                 ...loaded. (0.050)
[Log4perl support]
- Log::Log4perl             ...loaded. (1.080)
[Patch management]
- Compress::Zlib            ...loaded. (1.420)
- FreezeThaw                ...loaded. (0.430)
*** Module::AutoInstall configuration finished.
The 'determine_VERSION' method does not exist in the 'inc' path!
Please remove the 'inc' directory and run Makefile.PL again to load it.
# Looks like your test died before it could output anything.


I have no idea what to do now.  Ideas?


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