[svk-devel] Re: The repository has been moved

Austin Frank austin.frank at gmail.com
Fri Nov 3 14:38:12 EST 2006

Hello!  I tried to relocate as you described, but am having some

> For your existing svk mirror, you want to do: svk mirror --relocate
> http://code.bestpractical.com/svk //mirror/svk

$ svk mirror --relocate http://code.bestpractical.com/svk /svk/remote
Committed revision 1532.

$ svk mi -l
Path                   Source
[... snip ...]
/svk/remote            http://code.bestpractical.com/svk

$ svk ls /svk/

$ svk ls /svk/remote/
[... full contents of the repo, just what I expect ...]

$ svk ls /svk/local
[... same as above ...]

$ svk co -l
  Depot Path                            Path
[... snip ...]
  /svk/local                            /Users/aufrank/projects/svk

$ pwd

$ svk pull
Syncing http://code.bestpractical.com/svk
Retrieving log information from 2079 to 2103
Name does not refer to a filesystem directory: Path 'branches' not present

Everything looks correct to me but a pull on an existing checkout
doesn't work.  Any ideas as to why I've encountered this problem or
how to fix it?

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