[svk-devel] SVK Checksum Error

Matthew Buckett buckett at gmail.com
Wed Aug 15 05:28:54 EDT 2007

This seems to have come up on the list before but I couldn't find any
replies in the archive. So I'm trying to mirror a SVN repository, here
are the commands I run that will reproduce the problem:

buckett at desktop:~/tmp$ export SVKROOT=~/tmp/svk
buckett at desktop:~/tmp$ svk depotmap --init
Repository /home/buckett/tmp/svk/local does not exist, create? (y/n)y
buckett at desktop:~/tmp$ svk mirror
https://source.sakaiproject.org/svn/syllabus/ //mirror/sakai-syllabus/
Committed revision 1.
buckett at desktop:~/tmp$ svk sync -a
Starting to synchronize //mirror/sakai-syllabus
Syncing https://source.sakaiproject.org/svn/syllabus
Retrieving log information from 1 to 34007
Committed revision 2 from revision 6544.
Committed revision 3 from revision 8122.
Committed revision 4 from revision 8191.
Committed revision 5 from revision 8644.
Committed revision 6 from revision 8652.
Committed revision 7 from revision 8678.
A checksum mismatch occurred: Checksum mismatch for resulting fulltext
   expected checksum:  e355974cdb94b738d837ffddfb95f9d1
   actual checksum:    40be3df6c3f4d99eab690ffea8ee4be1

I can't find the actual checksum anywhere, looking at the properties
for project.xml in the repository it seems to have the expected
checksum and md5suming the contents comming from svn produces the same

buckett at desktop:~/tmp$ svn cat
| md5sum
e355974cdb94b738d837ffddfb95f9d1  -

Any ideas?

  Matthew Buckett

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