[svk-devel] SVK views clarification

Wincent Colaiuta win at wincent.com
Thu Mar 22 12:43:45 EDT 2007

> On 3/22/07, Wincent Colaiuta <win at wincent.com> wrote:
>> Finally, I found one other suggestion for working around the absence
>> of externals[3]: "SVK doesn't do svn:externals. I worked with this by
>> mirroring every plugin and Rails, and using SVK copy to put a
>> particular version into my working copy."
>> Not really sure that I like that last one because evidently the copy
>> won't automatically pick up updates, but neither does it rely on a
>> feature that's still in beta... Any other suggestions?
> El 22/3/2007, a las 17:11, Michael Brouwer escribió:
> svk pull on the subdir that is a copy of the upstream project  
> should pick up
> the changes.
> Michael

So the suggested workflow is something like the following, given  
"project1" which would normally contain "project" as an svn:external?

svk mi svn+ssh://remote/project_1 //mirror/project_1
svk mi svn+ssh://remote/project_2 //mirror/project_2
svk sy -a

svk co //mirror/project1 project1
svk cp //mirror/project2 project1/project2
svk pull project1/project2

I tried experimenting with this but got "You are trying to copy  
across different mirrors" on trying to do the "svk cp". Or did I  
misunderstand you and you were talking about views?

For the time being I've checked out a copy of project2 alongside  
project1 (not as a subdirectory) and updated all path references so  
that everything that formerly looked for "project2" now looks for "../ 
project2". An alternative that might work would be to just create a  
symbolic link using "ln -s ../project2 project2" instead of updating  
the paths. Still have to do "svk up -s" periodically on project2 but  
it's not too bad.


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