[svk-devel] SVN_EDITOR path dont work if the path has an space in it

Steve Wagner lists at lanwin.de
Tue Jun 17 08:52:08 EDT 2008

Hi, i try to use Notepad++ on my Vista system as editor. Per default it 
installs to "C:\program files\notepad++\notepad++.exe". The problem is:

line 254 in Util.pm: my @editor = split (/ /, $editor);

This command splits the path to the following:


I am not a perl developer and i dont know why the split is there, but i 
think the best solution is to allow the path to surround with " and dont 
split it inside the " .

If there there is if fix for it, i am ready to test it :-)

Using SVK 2.0.2 on Win32.

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