[svk-users] Strange svk:merge 'corruption'...

David Kaufman david at gigawatt.com
Wed Aug 8 23:19:36 EDT 2007

Hi Brice,

Brice Figureau <brice+svk at daysofwonder.com> wrote:
> Today one of my co-worker encountered a strange issue:
> When issueing svk push -lC, svk wanted to push files he didn't touch
> or commit.
> We tried to understand the issue and [failed]
> ...My change should only have touched my merge-ticket (fa954469...).
> ...Usually I "svk pull" just before "svk push", but I was in an
> hurry and issued directly a "svk push" without any pull before:

Sorry I don't have any help or insight to offer you with your problem, 
except to say: me too.

I was not even able to track the causes, side-effects and symptoms as 
far as you seem to have!  I can only offer the svk dev community one 
more case of a subversion user who'd much rather use svk, but was forced 
to abandon it because of the strange, scary and sometimes harmful things 
that push and pull sometimes do to your remote svn repo.

Other than my previous post here:

All I can hope for is a way to use svk to mirror an svn repo to my 
laptop so I can work while I'm offline (checkout, log, switch branches, 
commit, all of it), and then have all my work magically time-shifted 
back into svn when plug back in.

We're often developing simultaneously on the trunk (new features) and a 
branch (latest stable bug fixes) and so I need the whole repo mirrored, 
and I need to be able to commit to both without fear of svk merging the 
remote svn branch onto the trunk when I push, or changes from the remove 
svn trunk onto the remote svn branch just because I said pull.

Maybe I just need less powerful versions of these commands.  I'm know 
others here have had the same conundrum -- maybe one of us will break 
down and code up a lesser push and pull ..I'm thinking "nudge and tug" 


PS; and what's up with all those md5 hashes in my svn-hooked commit 
messages?  I can't switch back to svk until I can get rid of that 
pollution of the commit comment... it annoys all the other (esp. 
non-svk) developers on the project and, what's worse, discourages them 
from reading my diffs!

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