[svk-users] Strange svk:merge 'corruption'...

Chia-Liang Kao clkao at clkao.org
Thu Aug 9 06:09:32 EDT 2007

> After more test on a test repository I couldn't reproduce the missing
> change on pull my co-worker got yesterday.
> It seems that the merge-ticket moving backwards issue I'm referring
> above is harmless: it happens everytime someone pushes to the upstream
> SVN if he didn't pull, and still svk is able at next pull to remember
> where was the last merge point.

I do see this occasionally, I believe it's a problem in the svn server
not declining conflicting property changes if the node was modified
before change_dir_prop was called.  But I am not sure what the status
of the problem is.  I might have this filed in the svn bug tracker

> So I'm still wondering why my co-worker missed a change when using svk
> pull.
> If someone has an idea, beacuse I don't want that to happen again...

do you have more detailed info for your coworker's depot?  how was the
previous merge or pull done? and which change included the ticket for
the missing one but didn't bring the content?


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