[svk-users] svk pull/push to resolve conflict

Wing Choi Wing.Choi at Sun.COM
Tue Nov 13 20:27:30 EST 2007

Hi, I am new to svk and having some problem
with a basic pull/push work model for conflict
resolution, etc.

BTW, I'm using:
This is svk, version v2.0.2 (using Subversion bindings 1.4.4)

Assuming that all users work on their own local copies
of a trunk on the server and once in awhile pulls or pushes,
you will end up with some kind of conflict.  
I am modeling this starting from an nearly empty
repos with just 1 file in it.  2 users svk mirrors,
makes a local copy and makes changes to the local copy.
user1 does all of her ci's and then svk pushes 
into the repos - no problem as she is the first
one to hit it with recent changes.  user2 comes
along and places his ci's into the local copy,
when he svk pushes, of course he gets a message
that his stuff needs updating.  He svk pulls
and ends up having to hand merge to resolve.

He is presented with:

>>>> YOUR VERSION myfile (/u1l/trunk) 119500211995879
user 1 This is a line in the file.
==== ORIGINAL VERSION myfile 119500211995879
This is a line in the file.
==== THEIR VERSION myfile (/mirror/trunk) 119500211995879
user 2 This is a line in the file.
<<<< 119500211995879

He does that and ends up with the updated merges
in his local copy and in the checked out area.
The file is now:

user 1 and 2 This is a line in the file.

But when he svk pushes now, he gets the following
conflict to resolve:

>>>> YOUR VERSION myfile (/mirror/trunk) 119500223876912
user 2 This is a line in the file.
==== ORIGINAL VERSION myfile 119500223876912
This is a line in the file.
==== THEIR VERSION myfile (/u1l/trunk) 119500223876912
user 1 This is a line in the file.
<<<< 119500223876912

What gives?  What happened with the local copy merged
stuff and why resolve a conflict at all...

If I do a straight smerge from the local copy over to
the mirror, it sails right thru without having to resolve


Nothing is really work unless...
you'd rather be doing something else

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