[svk-users] RA/PROPFIND request failed while creating a mirror

outre99 outre99 at gmail.com
Sat Jul 26 09:39:05 EDT 2008


I'm in dire need of some help or at least pointers.

I've been trying to solve this problem for 2 days now.  I've read all the
wiki pages, list posts, and did numerous google searches.  I found a couple
of similar questions but no solutions.



I'm setting up tools and environment for a small distributed team.  Due to
unreliable internet connection in one location they will need a local
repository that can be synched back with the master repository.


I followed all the instructions, but when I try to create a mirror I'm
getting the following error:


[kiril at KDevBox ~]$ svk mirror //mirror https://repo.ourdomain.com/svk_test

Error validating server certificate for 'https://repo.ourdomain.com:443':

 - The certificate is not issued by a trusted authority. Use the

   fingerprint to validate the certificate manually!

Certificate information:

 - Hostname: repo.ourdomain.com

 - Valid: from Jul 15 04:59:37 2008 GMT until Jul 15 04:59:37 2009 GMT

 - Issuer: Web Server, Bear Tech Solutions, Bangkok, Bangkok, TH

 - Fingerprint: 86:90:f6:3f:9a:97:22:1e:f2:e2:57:b5:51:e4:a9:ff:10:05:d5:d8

(R)eject, accept (t)emporarily or accept (p)ermanently? p

Authentication realm: <https://repo.ourdomain.com:443> SVN Repos

Password for 'kiril': 

RA layer request failed: PROPFIND request failed on '/svk_test': PROPFIND of
'/svk_test': 301 Moved Permanently (https://repo.ourdomain.com)

[kiril at KDevBox ~]$



The only mention of this problem that I could find was from the SVN book,
which claimed that it is caused by the nested document roots between SVN and
Apache  (here: http://subversion.tigris.org/faq.html#http-301-error)

However in my setup repository root is in /reporoot while the default Apache
root is in /var/www/html.  So there is no overlap.

I can access the repository through the browser from a dev linux box and
through Subversive on my PC.  But when I issue an svk mirror command on the
dev linux box I get the message above.


I'm totally stumped.  At this point I'm looking for anything that might

Thanks in advance.

outre99 at gmail.com






CentOS 5

Apache 2, MySQL 5


Repositories root is in /reporoot and is being served by a dedicated Virtual
Host at repo.ourdomain.com/name_of_repository.

/reporoot permissions:   drwxrws---   5 root apache  4096 Jul 25 11:15


Here's the related httpd.conf part:


NameVirtualHost 203.xxx.xxx.xxx:80

NameVirtualHost 203.xxx.xxx.xxx:443


<VirtualHost repo.ourdomain.com:443>

ServerName repo.ourdomain.com


# Turn on SSL access

SSLEngine on

SSLCertificateFile /etc/httpd/conf/ssl.crt/svn-cert.pem

SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/httpd/conf/ssl.key/svn-key.pem


# Directory / is needed here to enforce SSL for the entire vhost,

# including global aliases. This prevents accidental access to

# global aliases without SSL.

<Directory />

Options FollowSymLinks

SSLRequireSSL On



DocumentRoot /reporoot


<Location />

  DAV svn

  SVNParentPath /reporoot

  AuthType Basic

  AuthName "SVN Repos"

  AuthUserFile /etc/svn-auth-file

  Require valid-user

  SVNPathAuthz off




  <Files ~ "\.(cgi|shtml|php)$">

      SSLOptions +StdEnvVars




SetEnvIf User-Agent ".*MSIE.*" nokeepalive ssl-unclean-shutdown


CustomLog /reporoot/logs/svn_logfile "%t %u %{SVN-ACTION}e" env=SVN-ACTION

ErrorLog /reporoot/logs/repo_error.log

LogLevel debug




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