[svk-users] trying to get unfuddled with SVK ~or~ using SVK to replay SVN changes elsewhere

Adam Monsen haircut at gmail.com
Tue Nov 18 22:07:29 EST 2008

I tried out unfuddle.com. They have a great interface and provided me
free Subversion hosting for a small project. But the free accounts on
unfuddle are limited in the number of projects and invitees, so that
just won't do.

I'm trying to (1) get my Subversion repository including full history
sucked down from unfuddle and (2) import each change into an existing
local Subversion repository. Step one was easy, I just did:

  svk mirror http://example.com/remote //fuddled

And SVK appears to know every change on every line and every svn property. Rock!

I'm not sure how to do step 2. I have a local Subversion repository:


And a place in there I want to import the unfuddled commits:


I don't care about revision numbers, I just want change history
(including propsets/propdels). Any ideas? Does this even make sense?

It would seem like using SVK to "drive" an svn client, committing one
patch after another and making property changes would be kinda what
needs to happen.

Adam Monsen

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