[Bps-public-commit] r14340 - in Pushmi/trunk: . Pushmi-Admin/lib/Pushmi/Admin/Action Pushmi-Admin/lib/Pushmi/Admin/Model

alexmv at bestpractical.com alexmv at bestpractical.com
Mon Jul 21 16:44:22 EDT 2008

Author: alexmv
Date: Mon Jul 21 16:44:19 2008
New Revision: 14340

   Pushmi/trunk/   (props changed)

 r34429 at kohr-ah:  chmrr | 2008-07-21 16:44:11 -0400
  * Perltidy

Modified: Pushmi/trunk/Pushmi-Admin/lib/Pushmi/Admin/Action/CheckURL.pm
--- Pushmi/trunk/Pushmi-Admin/lib/Pushmi/Admin/Action/CheckURL.pm	(original)
+++ Pushmi/trunk/Pushmi-Admin/lib/Pushmi/Admin/Action/CheckURL.pm	Mon Jul 21 16:44:19 2008
@@ -14,12 +14,12 @@
 use Jifty::Action schema {
     param name =>
-      type is 'text',
-      label is "Name";
+        type is 'text',
+        label is "Name";
     param url =>
-      type is 'text',
-      label is "URL";
+        type is 'text',
+        label is "URL";
@@ -29,8 +29,9 @@
     my $self = shift;
     my ($url) = @_;
     warn "Validating $url\n";
-    return $self->validation_error( url => "We can only deal with http:// urls" )
-      unless $url =~ m{^http://};
+    return $self->validation_error(
+        url => "We can only deal with http:// urls" )
+        unless $url =~ m{^http://};
     $url =~ s{/+$}{};
@@ -53,18 +54,18 @@
     my $err = $@;
-    if ( not keys %{$props} or $err) {
+    if ( not keys %{$props} or $err ) {
         $self->validation_error( url => "Read of $url failed\n" );
-    $self->result->content(repository => $props);
-    return $self->validation_ok( "url" );
+    $self->result->content( repository => $props );
+    return $self->validation_ok("url");
 sub validate {
     my $self = shift;
-    if ($self->result->failure) {
+    if ( $self->result->failure ) {
     } else {

Modified: Pushmi/trunk/Pushmi-Admin/lib/Pushmi/Admin/Action/CreateReplica.pm
--- Pushmi/trunk/Pushmi-Admin/lib/Pushmi/Admin/Action/CreateReplica.pm	(original)
+++ Pushmi/trunk/Pushmi-Admin/lib/Pushmi/Admin/Action/CreateReplica.pm	Mon Jul 21 16:44:19 2008
@@ -12,6 +12,6 @@
     return $args;
-sub record_class { 'Pushmi::Admin::Model::Replica' }
+sub record_class {'Pushmi::Admin::Model::Replica'}

Modified: Pushmi/trunk/Pushmi-Admin/lib/Pushmi/Admin/Action/Remirror.pm
--- Pushmi/trunk/Pushmi-Admin/lib/Pushmi/Admin/Action/Remirror.pm	(original)
+++ Pushmi/trunk/Pushmi-Admin/lib/Pushmi/Admin/Action/Remirror.pm	Mon Jul 21 16:44:19 2008
@@ -14,16 +14,16 @@
 use Jifty::Action schema {
     param replica =>
-      type is 'integer',
-      render as 'hidden',
-      is mandatory;
+        type is 'integer',
+        render as 'hidden', is mandatory;
 sub take_action {
     my $self = shift;
-    my $replica = Pushmi::Admin::Model::Replica->load($self->argument_value("replica"));
+    my $replica = Pushmi::Admin::Model::Replica->load(
+        $self->argument_value("replica") );

Modified: Pushmi/trunk/Pushmi-Admin/lib/Pushmi/Admin/Action/Sync.pm
--- Pushmi/trunk/Pushmi-Admin/lib/Pushmi/Admin/Action/Sync.pm	(original)
+++ Pushmi/trunk/Pushmi-Admin/lib/Pushmi/Admin/Action/Sync.pm	Mon Jul 21 16:44:19 2008
@@ -14,25 +14,24 @@
 use Jifty::Action schema {
     param bootstrap =>
-      type is 'file',
-      label is "Bootstrap file";
+        type is 'file',
+        label is "Bootstrap file";
     param replica =>
-      type is 'integer',
-      render as 'hidden',
-      is mandatory;
+        type is 'integer',
+        render as 'hidden', is mandatory;
 sub take_action {
     my $self = shift;
-    my $replica = Pushmi::Admin::Model::Replica->load($self->argument_value("replica"));
+    my $replica = Pushmi::Admin::Model::Replica->load(
+        $self->argument_value("replica") );
-    if ($replica->status eq "behind") {
-        $self->result->message( "Synchronization started" );
+    if ( $replica->status eq "behind" ) {
+        $self->result->message("Synchronization started");

Modified: Pushmi/trunk/Pushmi-Admin/lib/Pushmi/Admin/Dispatcher.pm
--- Pushmi/trunk/Pushmi-Admin/lib/Pushmi/Admin/Dispatcher.pm	(original)
+++ Pushmi/trunk/Pushmi-Admin/lib/Pushmi/Admin/Dispatcher.pm	Mon Jul 21 16:44:19 2008
@@ -5,10 +5,13 @@
 use Jifty::Dispatcher -base;
 on '/create' => run {
-    warn YAML::Dump(Jifty->web->response);
-    if (Jifty->web->response->result("create") and Jifty->web->response->result("create")->success) {
-        my $replica = Pushmi::Admin::Model::Replica->load(Jifty->web->response->result("create")->content("id"));
-        redirect("/replica/" . $replica->clean_name);
+    warn YAML::Dump( Jifty->web->response );
+    if (    Jifty->web->response->result("create")
+        and Jifty->web->response->result("create")->success )
+    {
+        my $replica = Pushmi::Admin::Model::Replica->load(
+            Jifty->web->response->result("create")->content("id") );
+        redirect( "/replica/" . $replica->clean_name );
     } else {
         show "/create";

Modified: Pushmi/trunk/Pushmi-Admin/lib/Pushmi/Admin/Model/HttpRoot.pm
--- Pushmi/trunk/Pushmi-Admin/lib/Pushmi/Admin/Model/HttpRoot.pm	(original)
+++ Pushmi/trunk/Pushmi-Admin/lib/Pushmi/Admin/Model/HttpRoot.pm	Mon Jul 21 16:44:19 2008
@@ -8,12 +8,10 @@
 use Pushmi::Admin::Record schema {
     column path =>
-      type is 'text',
-      is mandatory,
-      is unique;
+        type is 'text',
+        is mandatory, is unique;
-    column replica_id =>
-      refers_to Pushmi::Admin::Model::Replica;
+    column replica_id => refers_to Pushmi::Admin::Model::Replica;

Modified: Pushmi/trunk/Pushmi-Admin/lib/Pushmi/Admin/Model/Replica.pm
--- Pushmi/trunk/Pushmi-Admin/lib/Pushmi/Admin/Model/Replica.pm	(original)
+++ Pushmi/trunk/Pushmi-Admin/lib/Pushmi/Admin/Model/Replica.pm	Mon Jul 21 16:44:19 2008
@@ -17,22 +17,20 @@
 use Pushmi::Admin::Record schema {
     column name =>
-      type is 'text',
-      is mandatory,
-      is unique;
+        type is 'text',
+        is mandatory, is unique;
     column clean_name =>
-      type is 'text',
-      is protected;
+        type is 'text',
+        is protected;
     column url =>
-      type is 'text',
-      is mandatory;
+        type is 'text',
+        is mandatory;
     column status =>
-      type is 'text',
-      is protected,
-      valid_values are [qw/loading ok behind offline failed/];
+        type is 'text',
+        is protected, valid_values are [qw/loading ok behind offline failed/];
@@ -41,10 +39,13 @@
     my $name = shift;
     my $dups = Pushmi::Admin::Model::ReplicaCollection->new;
-    $dups->limit( column => 'clean_name', value => $self->_clean_name($name));
-    $dups->limit( column => 'id', operator => '!=', value => $self->id)
-      if $self->id;
-    return (undef, "Duplicate name") if $dups->count;
+    $dups->limit(
+        column => 'clean_name',
+        value  => $self->_clean_name($name)
+    );
+    $dups->limit( column => 'id', operator => '!=', value => $self->id )
+        if $self->id;
+    return ( undef, "Duplicate name" ) if $dups->count;
     return 1;
@@ -60,31 +61,33 @@
 sub after_set_name {
     my $self = shift;
-    $self->set_clean_name($self->_clean_name);
+    $self->set_clean_name( $self->_clean_name );
 sub create {
     my $self = shift;
-    my %args = (@_, status => "failed");
+    my %args = ( @_, status => "failed" );
     my $mirror = delete $args{mirror};
-    my ($id, $msg) = $self->SUPER::create(%args);
+    my ( $id, $msg ) = $self->SUPER::create(%args);
     if ($id) {
         if ($mirror) {
             my $http = Pushmi::Admin::Model::HttpRoot->new;
             $http->create( path => $mirror, replica_id => $id );
-        $self->set_clean_name($self->_clean_name);
+        $self->set_clean_name( $self->_clean_name );
-        eval { Pushmi::Command::Mirror->new->run( $self->svn_root, $self->url ); };
+        eval {
+            Pushmi::Command::Mirror->new->run( $self->svn_root, $self->url );
+        };
         my $err = $@;
         warn $err if $err;
-    return ($id, $msg);
+    return ( $id, $msg );
 sub pushmi {
@@ -114,7 +117,8 @@
     return if $self->pushmi->locked;
     unless (fork) {
-        exec($^X, Jifty->config->app("pushmi_bin"), "sync", $self->svn_root);
+        exec( $^X, Jifty->config->app("pushmi_bin"), "sync",
+            $self->svn_root );
@@ -131,11 +135,17 @@
     my $start = Time::HiRes::time;
     my $props;
-    local $SIG{ALRM} = sub {die "Timeout!"};
+    local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "Timeout!" };
     alarm 10;
     eval {
-        $client->info( $url, undef, "HEAD", sub { $props->{rev} = $_[1]->rev; $props->{date} = $_[1]->last_changed_date },
-            0 );
+        $client->info(
+            $url, undef, "HEAD",
+            sub {
+                $props->{rev}  = $_[1]->rev;
+                $props->{date} = $_[1]->last_changed_date;
+            },
+            0
+        );
     warn "$@" if $@;
     alarm 0;
@@ -146,50 +156,54 @@
 sub remote_revision {
     my $self = shift;
-    return $CACHE{$self->id}{remote_revision};
+    return $CACHE{ $self->id }{remote_revision};
 sub latency {
     my $self = shift;
-    return sprintf("%.2f seconds",$CACHE{$self->id}{latency});
+    return sprintf( "%.2f seconds", $CACHE{ $self->id }{latency} );
 sub last_remote {
     my $self = shift;
-    return Time::Duration::duration(time - $CACHE{$self->id}{remote_date}/1e6) . " ago";
+    return Time::Duration::duration(
+        time - $CACHE{ $self->id }{remote_date} / 1e6 )
+        . " ago";
 sub local_revision {
     my $self = shift;
-    return $CACHE{$self->id}{local_revision};
+    return $CACHE{ $self->id }{local_revision};
 sub last_local {
     my $self = shift;
-    return Time::Duration::duration(time - $CACHE{$self->id}{local_date}/1e6) . " ago";
+    return Time::Duration::duration(
+        time - $CACHE{ $self->id }{local_date} / 1e6 )
+        . " ago";
 sub svn_root {
-    my $self = shift;
-    my @parts = File::Spec->splitpath(Jifty->config->app('svn_root'));
-    return File::Spec->catfile(@parts,$self->clean_name);
+    my $self  = shift;
+    my @parts = File::Spec->splitpath( Jifty->config->app('svn_root') );
+    return File::Spec->catfile( @parts, $self->clean_name );
 sub status {
     my $self = shift;
-    if ($self->id and not $CACHE{$self->id}) {
-        my $c = $CACHE{$self->id} = {};
+    if ( $self->id and not $CACHE{ $self->id } ) {
+        my $c = $CACHE{ $self->id } = {};
         my $local  = $self->svn_info_for( "file://" . $self->svn_root );
         my $remote = $self->svn_info_for( $self->url );
-        if (not $local) {
+        if ( not $local ) {
-        } elsif (not $remote) {
-            $c->{local_revision}  = $local->{rev};
-            $c->{local_date}      = $local->{date};
+        } elsif ( not $remote ) {
+            $c->{local_revision} = $local->{rev};
+            $c->{local_date}     = $local->{date};
         } else {
             $c->{remote_revision} = $remote->{rev};
@@ -197,9 +211,9 @@
             $c->{latency}         = $remote->{latency};
             $c->{local_revision}  = $local->{rev};
             $c->{local_date}      = $local->{date};
-            if ($self->pushmi->locked) {
+            if ( $self->pushmi->locked ) {
-            } elsif ($local->{rev} < $remote->{rev}) {
+            } elsif ( $local->{rev} < $remote->{rev} ) {
             } else {
@@ -210,17 +224,29 @@
 sub long_status {
-    my $self = shift;
+    my $self   = shift;
     my $status = $self->status;
-    if ($status eq "ok") {
-        return "Up to date; mirrored ". $self->local_revision . " of ". $self->remote_revision . " revisions.";
-    } elsif ($status eq "behind") {
-        return "Lagging behind master; mirrored ". $self->local_revision . " of ". $self->remote_revision . " revisions.";
-    } elsif ($status eq "loading") {
-        return "Actively updating; mirrored ". $self->local_revision . " of ". $self->remote_revision . " revisions.";
-    } elsif ($status eq "offline") {
-        return "Remote master offline!  Mirrored " . $self->local_revision . " revisions locally, last is " . $self->last_local;
-    } elsif ($status eq "failed") {
+    if ( $status eq "ok" ) {
+        return "Up to date; mirrored "
+            . $self->local_revision . " of "
+            . $self->remote_revision
+            . " revisions.";
+    } elsif ( $status eq "behind" ) {
+        return "Lagging behind master; mirrored "
+            . $self->local_revision . " of "
+            . $self->remote_revision
+            . " revisions.";
+    } elsif ( $status eq "loading" ) {
+        return "Actively updating; mirrored "
+            . $self->local_revision . " of "
+            . $self->remote_revision
+            . " revisions.";
+    } elsif ( $status eq "offline" ) {
+        return "Remote master offline!  Mirrored "
+            . $self->local_revision
+            . " revisions locally, last is "
+            . $self->last_local;
+    } elsif ( $status eq "failed" ) {
         return "Local repository error!";
@@ -231,7 +257,7 @@
 sub clear_cache {
     %CACHE = ();

Modified: Pushmi/trunk/Pushmi-Admin/lib/Pushmi/Admin/View.pm
--- Pushmi/trunk/Pushmi-Admin/lib/Pushmi/Admin/View.pm	(original)
+++ Pushmi/trunk/Pushmi-Admin/lib/Pushmi/Admin/View.pm	Mon Jul 21 16:44:19 2008
@@ -11,13 +11,21 @@
     div {
         { id is 'replica_list', class is 'roundbox' };
-        h2 { "Current replicas" };
-        while (my $replica = $replicas->next) {
+        h2 {"Current replicas"};
+        while ( my $replica = $replicas->next ) {
             div {
-                { class is 'replica status-light '.$replica->status };
-                h3 { hyperlink( url => "/replica/" . $replica->clean_name, label => $replica->name ) };
+                { class is 'replica status-light ' . $replica->status };
+                h3 {
+                    hyperlink(
+                        url   => "/replica/" . $replica->clean_name,
+                        label => $replica->name
+                    );
+                };
                 hyperlink( url => $replica->url, label => $replica->url );
-                div { { class is 'status' } $replica->long_status }
+                div {
+                    { class is 'status' }
+                    $replica->long_status;
+                }
@@ -25,35 +33,40 @@
 template 'create' => page { title => "Create a new replica" } content {
     my $result = Jifty->web->response->result("check");
     my $data = $result ? $result->content("repository") : {};
-    my $changed = DateTime->from_epoch( epoch => $data->{last_changed_date}/1e6 );
+    my $changed
+        = DateTime->from_epoch( epoch => $data->{last_changed_date} / 1e6 );
     div {
         { id is 'new_replica', class is 'roundbox' };
-        h2 { "Add a new replica" };
+        h2 {"Add a new replica"};
         div {
-            {id is 'replica_status', class is 'roundbox'};
+            { id is 'replica_status', class is 'roundbox' };
             h3 { $data->{repos_root_URL} }
-            p { $data->{rev} . " revisions" }
-            p { "Last modified on " . $changed->ymd . ", at " . $changed->hms }
+            p  { $data->{rev} . " revisions" } p {
+                "Last modified on " . $changed->ymd . ", at " . $changed->hms;
+            }
         form {
             my $new = Jifty->web->new_action(
-                                             class => "CreateReplica",
-                                             moniker => "create",
-                                            );
-            if (my $prev = Jifty->web->request->action("check")) {
+                class   => "CreateReplica",
+                moniker => "create",
+            );
+            if ( my $prev = Jifty->web->request->action("check") ) {
                 $new->argument_value( name => $prev->argument("name") );
-                $new->argument_value( mirror => Pushmi::Admin::Model::Replica->_clean_name($prev->argument("name")));
+                $new->argument_value(
+                    mirror => Pushmi::Admin::Model::Replica->_clean_name(
+                        $prev->argument("name")
+                    )
+                );
                 $new->argument_value( url => $data->{repos_root_URL} );
             render_param( $new => "name" );
-            outs_raw( $new->form_value( "url" ) );
+            outs_raw( $new->form_value("url") );
             render_param( $new => "url", render_as => "hidden" );
             render_param( $new => "mirror" );
             form_submit( label => "Create" );
@@ -68,99 +81,122 @@
 sub add_replica {
     div {
         { id is 'new_replica', class is 'roundbox' };
-        h2 { "Add a new replica" };
+        h2 {"Add a new replica"};
         form {
             my $check = Jifty->web->new_action(
-                class   => "CheckURL",
-                moniker => "check",
+                class             => "CheckURL",
+                moniker           => "check",
                 sticky_on_failure => 1,
                 sticky_on_success => 1,
             render_param( $check => "name" );
-            render_param( $check => "url" );            
+            render_param( $check => "url" );
             form_submit( label => "Create" );
-template 'replica' => page { title => "About "  . get("replica")->name } content {
+template 'replica' => page { title => "About " . get("replica")->name }
+    content {
     my $replica = get 'replica';
     div {
         { class is 'roundbox' };
-        h2 { "Replica status" }
+        h2 {"Replica status"}
         div {
-            { class is 'replica status-light '.$replica->status };
-            h3 { hyperlink( url => "/replica/" . $replica->clean_name, label => $replica->name ) };
+            { class is 'replica status-light ' . $replica->status };
+            h3 {
+                hyperlink(
+                    url   => "/replica/" . $replica->clean_name,
+                    label => $replica->name
+                );
+            };
             hyperlink( url => $replica->url, label => $replica->url );
-            div { { class is 'status' } $replica->long_status }
+            div {
+                { class is 'status' }
+                $replica->long_status;
+            }
     div {
         { class is 'roundbox' };
-        if ($replica->status eq "behind" and $replica->local_revision == 0) {
-            h2 { "Next step: mirroring" }
+        if ( $replica->status eq "behind" and $replica->local_revision == 0 )
+        {
+            h2 {"Next step: mirroring"}
             p {
                 "The next step is to mirror all "
                     . $replica->remote_revision
-                    . " revisions from the remote mirror.  This may take some time!"
+                    . " revisions from the remote mirror.  This may take some time!";
 #            p {
 #                "If you have a bootstrap file for this mirror, you can upload it below."
 #            };
             form {
-                my $sync = Jifty->web->new_action(
-                                                    class => "Sync",
-                                                   );
-                render_param( $sync => "replica" => default_value => $replica->id );
+                my $sync = Jifty->web->new_action( class => "Sync", );
+                render_param(
+                    $sync => "replica" => default_value => $replica->id );
                 form_submit( label => "Start mirroring" );
-        } elsif ($replica->status ne "failed") {
-            h2 { "Replica health" };
-            p { "Last local commit: r" . $replica->local_revision ." - " . $replica->last_local };
-            if ($replica->latency) {
-                p { "Last master commit: r" . $replica->remote_revision ." - " . $replica->last_remote }
-                p { "Latency to master: " . $replica->latency }
+        } elsif ( $replica->status ne "failed" ) {
+            h2 {"Replica health"};
+            p {
+                "Last local commit: r"
+                    . $replica->local_revision . " - "
+                    . $replica->last_local;
+            };
+            if ( $replica->latency ) {
+                p {
+                    "Last master commit: r"
+                        . $replica->remote_revision . " - "
+                        . $replica->last_remote;
+                }
+                p { "Latency to master: " . $replica->latency };
             form {
-                my $sync = Jifty->web->new_action(
-                                                    class => "Sync",
-                                                   );
-                render_param( $sync => "replica" => default_value => $replica->id );
+                my $sync = Jifty->web->new_action( class => "Sync", );
+                render_param(
+                    $sync => "replica" => default_value => $replica->id );
                 form_submit( label => "Force an update now" );
         } else {
-            h2 { "Local replica failure" };
+            h2 {"Local replica failure"};
     div {
         { id is 'advanced' }
-        hyperlink( url => "/advanced/" . $replica->clean_name, label => "Advanced.." );
+        hyperlink(
+            url   => "/advanced/" . $replica->clean_name,
+            label => "Advanced.."
+        );
-template 'advanced' => page { title => "Advanced configuration for ". get("replica")->name } content {
+template 'advanced' =>
+    page { title => "Advanced configuration for " . get("replica")->name }
+    content {
     my $replica = get 'replica';
     div {
         { class is 'roundbox' };
-        h2 { "Advanced options for ". $replica->name ." replica" };
+        h2 { "Advanced options for " . $replica->name . " replica" };
         form {
             div {
                 { class is "delete_replica" };
                 my $delete = $replica->as_delete_action;
-                        label   => "Delete replica",
-                        url     => "/",
-                        onclick => {
-                            confirm => 'Really delete this replica?',
-                        }
+                        label => "Delete replica",
+                        url   => "/",
+                        onclick =>
+                            { confirm => 'Really delete this replica?', }
-                p { "This will permanently remove the replica from this Pushmi server." };
+                p {
+                    "This will permanently remove the replica from this Pushmi server."
+                };
             div {
@@ -177,8 +213,10 @@
-                p { "This will remove the replica, and immediately re-create it," .
-                      " remirroring all remote revisions.  This is likely to take a while!" };
+                p {
+                    "This will remove the replica, and immediately re-create it,"
+                        . " remirroring all remote revisions.  This is likely to take a while!";
+                };

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