[Prophet] Missing dependency checking on Data::Dump, missing META.yml

Cyril Brulebois kibi at debian.org
Tue Apr 5 16:41:28 EDT 2011


from git://github.com/bestpractical/prophet.git, I installed
dependencies through apt-get build-dep prophet (since cpanplus was
prompting me for my sudo password to install missing dependencies,
while I didn't want to install hand-built binaries all over the

For the record, master is at:
| commit 98529f593f35009bf93130d0926836da56836669
| Author: Christine Spang <christine at debian.org>
| Date:   Sun Feb 27 14:57:43 2011 -0500
|     make prompt_for_login support not prompting for password if passed in

Running “make test” led to many tests failing because of the missing
Data::Dump package, so I guess it should be added to the configure /
dependency checking phase.

Also, I noted:
| kibi at caol-ila:~/hack/prophet.git [master]$ PERL_MM_USE_DEFAULT=1 perl Makefile.PL
| Cannot determine perl version info from lib/Prophet.pm
| *** Module::AutoInstall version 1.03
| *** Checking for Perl dependencies...
| [Core Features]
| - Test::Exception               ...loaded. (0.31 >= 0.26)
| - ExtUtils::MakeMaker           ...loaded. (6.55_02 >= 6.11)
| - Exporter::Lite                ...loaded. (0.02)
| - Params::Validate              ...loaded. (0.93)
| - IPC::Run3                     ...loaded. (0.044)
| - UUID::Tiny                    ...loaded. (1.03 >= 1.02)
| - Digest::SHA                   ...loaded. (5.47)
| - LWP::UserAgent                ...loaded. (5.835)
| - URI                           ...loaded. (1.58)
| - HTTP::Date                    ...loaded. (5.831)
| - JSON                          ...loaded. (2.51 >= 2.00)
| - Module::Pluggable             ...loaded. (3.9)
| - Proc::InvokeEditor            ...loaded. (1.02)
| - Any::Moose                    ...loaded. (0.13 >= 0.04)
| - Mouse                         ...loaded. (0.91 >= 0.89)
| - XML::Atom::SimpleFeed         ...loaded. (0.86)
| - Path::Dispatcher              ...loaded. (1.02 >= 1.02)
| - Path::Dispatcher::Declarative ...loaded. (0.03 >= 0.03)
| - Time::Progress                ...loaded. (1.7)
| - Config::GitLike               ...loaded. (1.05 >= 1.02)
| - MIME::Base64::URLSafe         ...loaded. (0.01)
| [Improved interactive shell]
| - Term::ReadLine::Perl          ...loaded. (1.0303)
| [Faster JSON Parsing]
| - JSON::XS                      ...loaded. (2.3 >= 2.2222)
| [Web server]
| - File::ShareDir                ...loaded. (1.00 >= 1.00)
| - HTTP::Server::Simple          ...loaded. (0.43 >= 0.40)
| [HTML display]
| - Template::Declare             ...loaded. (0.44 >= 0.35)
| [Foreign replica support]
| - Term::ReadKey                 ...loaded. (2.30)
| [SQLite replica support]
| - DBI                           ...loaded. (1.616 >= 1)
| - DBD::SQLite                   ...loaded. (1.31 >= 1)
| [Maintainer testing tools]
| - Test::HTTP::Server::Simple    ...loaded. (0.10)
| - YAML::Syck                    ...loaded. (1.17)
| - Module::Refresh               ...loaded. (0.13)
| - Test::WWW::Mechanize          ...loaded. (1.30 >= 1.16)
| - Test::Pod::Coverage           ...loaded. (1.08)
| [Bonjour support]
| - Net::Bonjour                  ...loaded. (0.96)
| *** Module::AutoInstall configuration finished.
| Checking if your kit is complete...
| Warning: the following files are missing in your kit:
| 	META.yml
| Please inform the author.
| Writing Makefile for Prophet

So I'm informing you. :-)

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