[rt-devel] Re: Odd behaviour

Jesse Vincent jesse at fsck.com
Fri May 25 14:32:04 EDT 2001

Known bug. #504. will be fixed when I get home from travelling this weekend

On Fri, May 25, 2001 at 11:13:07AM -0700, Robert Shaw wrote:
> Jesse,
> I don't know if the following is what you designed it to do or not, but it
> seems strange to me. We are planning to use a single input queue for users
> to submit to, and then various other queues to file them into based on the
> support person's understanding of the ticket:
> 1. A user creates a new ticket into the "general" incoming queue.
> 2. The support person looks at the ticket and determines what queue it should
>    go into.
> 3. The support person clicks on "The Basics" section.
> 4. They then change the "queue" pop-up to the desired queue we want it
>    categorized under.
> 5. The "Status" is left on "new" because no-one has opened it yet, we are
>    only categorizing them to the appropriate queue where certain support
>    people are responsible for.
> 6. Then click "Save Changes".
> 7. The "Results" then say:
> Queue: Queue changed from general to quickic 
> Status: Status changed from open to new by rshaw 
> Which is what I'd expect. It should remain "new".
> However, when you then go an look at the ticket details now, it says it's
> "open" and owned by "Nobody". If you look at the history, you'll see:
> Fri May 25 11:10:48 2001 Queue changed from general to quickic 
> Fri May 25 11:10:49 2001 Status changed from new to open by rshaw
> Fri May 25 11:10:50 2001 Status changed from open to new by rshaw
> Fri May 25 11:10:50 2001 Status changed from new to open by rshaw
> Shouldn't it have stopped at the "changed from open to new" transaction? Why
> is there another "new to open" at the end now?
> Any thoughts?
> Thanks!
> -Robert

jesse reed vincent -- root at eruditorum.org -- jesse at fsck.com 
70EBAC90: 2A07 FC22 7DB4 42C1 9D71 0108 41A3 3FB3 70EB AC90

<Dr_Memory> the point is that words were exchanged.  neurolinguistic
programming will do the rest.  they should be showing up at my house
any day now.

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