[rt-devel] Customizing

Timo A. Hummel timo.hummel at isg.de
Tue Oct 16 08:49:23 EDT 2001


I'm working now on my previously announced customizing feature.
Primarly, only a few settings will be stored in the MySQL Database, but
I hope that also other developers also follow my idea.

The idea is to store everything which needs to be customized for a
particular site into the database. Therefore, I created two tables in
the database which can hold customizing values. It is absolutely

The first table "Customizing" should be used for site-specific things
and contains two fields, "Setting" and "Value". For example, you could
store the Setting "Organization" together with the Value "Innovative
Software AG" (this is just an example in my case). 

The second table "UserCustomizing" should be used for configuration
settings which needs to be done per-user. It contains three fields,
"id", "Setting" and "Value". This could include, for example,
customizing of the "Home" page in RT.

Advantages of that system:
- Site customizing will "survive" between RT upgrades
- Each user can customize his "RT" (if implemented)

Disadvantages of that system:
- Slow (creates much traffic on the database)


Best regards,


Timo A. Hummel, IT Specialist
IS Innovative Software AG               Phone:  +49 69 505030-302
Feuerbachstraße 26-32                   Fax:    +49 69 505030-505
60325 Frankfurt a.M.                    E-Mail:
mailto:timo.hummel at isg.de
GERMANY                                 WWW:    http://is.ag

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