[rt-devel] Manipulating Ticket Tag

Curtis Ireland cireland at solidum.com
Mon Sep 10 13:25:23 EDT 2001

At 12:50 PM 2001/09/10 -0400, Jesse Vincent wrote:
>So what happens if you have 1000 tickets in a day?  Can you explain
>a bit more about why you need to make this change?

That's a good point, but one that (surprisingly) hasn't risen. I assume the 
three digit id number just expands to four. Hence the reason why cycling 
the ID number to 1 each day is not really an issue.

I'd like to make this change for transparency reasons. Support staff and 
customers have grown used to the ticket numbering scheme, plus it helps 
track when the ticket was initially created.

One possible way around this is if I just did my own customization and use 
an additional field in the database for "Identifier"

>On Mon, Sep 10, 2001 at 11:44:53AM -0400, Curtis Ireland wrote:
> > I am currently evaluating RT as a replacement to our existing support
> > ticket system. So far, it looks really good. However, we would like to
> > change the format for the assigned tags to each e-mail. The current format
> > uses [$RT::rtname #".$self->TicketObj->id."] (from SendEmail.pm), but we
> > would like to use a format of [PKTF-YYYYMMDD-###] where ### is a three
> > digit representation of the id number. Currently, this number starts back
> > at 1 each day, but that is not terribly important right now.
> >
> > Any ideas? I found the functions that parse and create the tag, but are
> > there any other issues I should be aware of? Thank you.
> >          -C
> >
> > --
> > Curtis Ireland  - cireland at solidum.com
> > Solidum Systems - http://www.solidum.com
> > (T) (613)724-6004 x284  - (F) (613)724-6008
> >
> >
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>http://www.bestpractical.com/products/rt  -- Trouble Ticketing. Free.

Curtis Ireland  - cireland at solidum.com
Solidum Systems - http://www.solidum.com
(T) (613)724-6004 x284  - (F) (613)724-6008

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