[rt-devel] Re: RT 2.1.48, Postgresql database initialization

Andrew Snare ASnare at allshare.nl
Thu Nov 21 09:19:01 EST 2002

I wrote:
>It looks to me like the ACL insertion fails because the DB connection has 
>already been closed or something?
>Has anyone else seen this? If not, I'll try and have a look at it tomorrow 
>(or maybe Monday) to work out what's going on.

Ugh. Next time I'll have a look at the script before posting. The script 
calls the following three functions, in order:


All three close the database connection, but the database connection 
doesn't appear to be re-opened in-between the calls. This means that 
insert_acl() fails because insert_schema() closed the handle it planned to 
use. I think.

  - Andrew

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