[rt-devel] PgSQL 7.3.2 queries in rt 3.0.2pre4, using DBIx-SearchBuilder-0.81_04

Jeroen Ruigrok/asmodai asmodai at wxs.nl
Sat May 3 08:45:32 EDT 2003

Hi Phil, ;)

-On [20030502 19:02], Phil Regnauld (regnauld+rt at catpipe.net) wrote:
>This is to say the least a bit on the complex side.  I know the idea
>is to have as much database abstract queries as possible (since MySQL 3
>for example doesn't implement subselects, among other things, while
>PgSQL, Oracle, etc... do), but this is obviously _very_ MySQL-oriented.
>This would be much more efficient (27 seconds!) using subselects...

Yes, it is very MySQL-centric. :(

>Any ideas on how this can be improved ?  I'll have to stick to RT 2
>then, or convince myself to use MySQL 4 (we use Postgres for everything

Using MySQL is for me not an option.

There were people working on the performance issues on which I provided
some feedback, but it seems as if they dropped off the face of the

I admire all the work Jesse did with rt, but I don't find the sources
and built-up of the sources to be overly clear.  Rather, I am inclined
to call them obscure, which hampers my ability to work on it a lot.
Not to put it down, or anything, but I've tried and it is not easy to
get through it and create enhancements. :(

Jeroen Ruigrok van der Werven <asmodai(at)wxs.nl> / asmodai / a capoeirista
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