[rt-devel] merging tickets

Jesse Vincent jesse at bestpractical.com
Sun May 4 02:09:12 EDT 2003

I've got a plan. I just don't know when it'll happen. The basic idea is
like amazon's "recently visited" items at the bottom of each page. Keep
track of the last 'n' items of various types you've visited as well as
(perhaps) some 'sticky' items from your preferences, once you've
selected preferences.


On Fri, May 02, 2003 at 04:52:41PM -0400, James O'Kane wrote:
> Hi,
> We've had a few cases of mis-merging of tickets. I'm wondering if it would 
> be a good idea to add a dropdown next to the text box that listed ticket 
> subject lines to choose from?
> I don't see why this isn't possible, it's more a question of what to list 
> and if it's worth the extra overhead.
> My first thought was to list the currently open tickets, but that's 
> probably not sufficient, and listing all tickets is probably way too many. 
> I'm thinking the last N tickets would be good, if the box for entering any 
> number is still there. Has anyone else thought about this?
> I'll probably impliment this to get a better feel for the 
> internals. (Please wait 4 to 6 years for delivery.) 
> -james
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