[rt-devel] RT Optimizations

Matt Knopp mhat at netlag.com
Wed May 7 17:54:25 EDT 2003

Question: When you say you can access tickets quickly, what sort of per
ticket times are you seeing? If you add a Debug=1 at the end of the url
in the cgi-params RT will print out how long the page took at the bottom 
of the page.  

I'm just curious what other people are seeing, as my very small site sees
3 seconds for the simplest tickets,  and upwards of 10 for tickets that 
people have gone back and forth on a few times. 

I'm not sure if it'll buy you a whole lot, you might try enabling Mason's 
'static_source'. Enabling static_source will prevent mason from trying to 
recompile each page & it's children every few minutes. You can enable it 
in RT/Interfaces/Web.pm in NewApacheHandler() by adding: 

	'static_source' => 1,  

Just after 'args_method=>"CGI" 


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