[Rt-devel] Performance 3.4.1, quick advice sought

Jesse Vincent jesse at bestpractical.com
Wed Feb 23 14:43:35 EST 2005

On Wed, Feb 23, 2005 at 02:29:09PM -0500, Stephen Turner wrote:
> At Tuesday 2/22/2005 04:17 PM, Jesse Vincent wrote:
> >> > I do wonder if you folks have granted "Everyone" the right to 
> >OwnTicket.
> >I think you want to grant those rights to privileged users and give
> >everyone ownly create ticket, comment on ticket, reply to ticket.
> >
> >Everyone means your end-users too.
> This component (the owner drop-down) has been a problem for us at MIT too 
> (30s to display the search page and the bulk ticket update page). We do 
> have many potential owners of tickets - there are many groups using RT to 
> field help requests. It seems like the component doesn't scale too well.

So. I have users demanding that "SelectOwner" be switched to a text
entry box and users demanding that it not be switched to a text entry
box. Not sure I have a good answer.

> One thing I noticed is that SelectOwner sorts the collection of User 
> objects by name after it has retrieved it - in my command-line tests, this 
> more than doubles the time for the SelectOwner logic - the sort seems 
> unnecessary though, as the collection (by default) is already sorted by 
> name. Removing the sort certainly speeds things up a bit and gives the same 
> result.

Not in all cases, at least historically. SelectOwner can take multiple
objects which would result in unordered lists.

> Another question too, about this line on the search page. The SelectOwner 
> component is attached to the line which begins with a drop down containing 
> "Owner", "Creator" and "LastUpdatedBy". So is it appropriate to show a list 
> of potential owners, if the user may want to do a query on Creator? 
> Mightn't there be potential ticket creators who don't have OwnTicket 
> privileges?

yep. and the advanced tab will work fine for that.

> Steve 


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