[Rt-devel] dumpfile-to-rt-3.0 fails (rt2-to-rt3-1.23) "Could not create a new user"

Drew Barnes barnesaw at ucrwcu.rwc.uc.edu
Fri Mar 4 08:52:33 EST 2005

This is caused by the new version of DBIx::SearchBuilder that RT 3.4.1 
requires.  From the README:
Create a directory to hold your RT2 database dump. here we'll refer to it as
DIRNAME. Anywhere you see the string  "DIRNAME", replace it with the path to
your directory.

Tell rt-2.0-to-dumpfile where your RT libraries live. (Edit the 'use 
lib' lines)

rt-2.0-to-dumpfile  DIRNAME

DIRNAME will now contain one file called "metadata" and one subdirectories
which contain about 1000 files, 1 file per ticket.

Install rt3. Let it set up your rt3 database.

Tell dumpfile-to-rt-3.0 where your RT libraries live. (Edit the 'use 
lib' lines)

You must do the dump before installing 3.x so that it won't use the 
newer DBIx::SearchBuilder.  I do not know if that will work right into 
an RT 3.4.x install.  There are database schema changes from the 3.2 
series to the 3.4 series.  You might be better off dumping from RT2, 
installing RT 3.2.3, importing the data, then upgrading to 3.4.1.


Jodok Ole Muellers wrote:

>It is my task to migrate RT 1.0.1. from an old host to RT 3.4.1 on a new host.
>Therefore I dumped the rt1 mysql database on the oldhost and copied it together with the transactions
>to the newhost. On newhost i impored the rt1 mysql dump and after installing rt2 i ran import-1.0-to-2.0.
>=> rt-2-0-15 runs well now.
>I installed rt-3.4.1 fine as well.
>To import the rt2 data into rt3 a did this:
>mysql> drop database rt3;
>shell> /prod/rt/perl/bin/perl /prod/rt/rt3/sbin/rt-setup-database -action init --dba root --prompt-for-dba-password
>Then I have had no problems while running rt-2.0-to-dumpfile.
>But when I ran "dumpfile-to-rt-3.0 dumpdir" I got this kind of errors:
>Importing users
>uCreating user Unnamed user 20408
>.[Tue Feb 22 14:01:32 2005] [error]: Could not create a new user -  (/prod/rt/rt3/lib/RT/User_Overlay.pm:267)
>Failed to create user for$VAR1 = {
>          'CryptedPassword' => undef,
>          'Name' => 'Unnamed user 20408'
>        };
>uCreating user Unnamed user 4805
>.[Tue Feb 22 14:01:32 2005] [error]: Could not create a new user -  (/prod/rt/rt3/lib/RT/User_Overlay.pm:267)
>Failed to create user for$VAR1 = {
>          'CryptedPassword' => undef,
>          'Name' => 'Unnamed user 4805'
>        };
>This type of error repeats about  26006 times
>rCouldn't load principal  to grant them SuperUser globally
>$VAR1 = {
>          'PrincipalType' => 'User',
>          'PrincipalId' => '1',
>          'Name' => 'SuperUser'
>        };
>[Tue Feb 22 14:39:25 2005] [crit]: 1 (/prod/rt/rt3/lib/RT/ACE_Overlay.pm:915)
>[Tue Feb 22 14:39:25 2005] [crit]: Can't load a principal for id  (/prod/rt/rt3/lib/RT/ACE_Overlay.pm:916)
>rCouldn't load principal  to grant them SuperUser globally
>$VAR1 = {
>          'PrincipalType' => 'User',
>          'PrincipalId' => '2',
>          'Name' => 'SuperUser'
>        };
>[Tue Feb 22 14:39:25 2005] [crit]: 1 (/prod/rt/rt3/lib/RT/ACE_Overlay.pm:915)
>[Tue Feb 22 14:39:25 2005] [crit]: Can't load a principal for id  (/prod/rt/rt3/lib/RT/ACE_Overlay.pm:916)
>r[Tue Feb 22 14:39:25 2005] [crit]: 1 (/prod/rt/rt3/lib/RT/ACE_Overlay.pm:915)
>[Tue Feb 22 14:39:25 2005] [crit]: Can't load a principal for id  (/prod/rt/rt3/lib/RT/ACE_Overlay.pm:916)
>rCouldn't load principal  to grant them SuperUser globally
>$VAR1 = {
>          'PrincipalType' => 'User',
>          'PrincipalId' => '4',
>          'Name' => 'SuperUser'
>        };
>The resulting rt3 database does only contain a few users in the Users table
>and no data in the Ticket table.
>I have got no clue how to solve this problem nor what might
>be the cause. Any ideas why this fails? 
>Please let me know if you need to know further details.
>Request Tracker version 1.0.1. whith about 37375 tickets 
>perl v5.6.1
>Your MySQL connection id is 375 to server version: 3.22.29
>mysql  Ver 11.18 Distrib 3.23.56, for sun-solaris2.8 (sparc)
>Request Tracker version 3.4.1 and 2.0.15 for migration of rt1 data
>perl v5.8.5
>Your MySQL connection id is 382 to server version: 4.1.7
>mysql  Ver 14.7 Distrib 4.1.7, for sun-solaris2.8 (sparc)

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