[rt-users] Removing Unwanted Content

Gary Berry grberry at home.com
Sat Dec 16 03:24:19 EST 2000

I have set up RT 1.0.6 and it is working beautifully. I have set it up so that fetchmail is retreiving the requests from an Exchange server with a hidden mail account set up specifically for RT to get it's mail from. I am also using Postfix to send out the responses etc and it works like a charm.

One thing I have noticed however is that when a user sends an email to the email account and fetchmail passes it along to RT all of the header content is put into the ticket information window. It shows all of the header information that is normally hidden under regular mail programs unless you check the properties. It to me seems useless as you have to scroll through a bunch of unwanted text to get to the actual meat of the situtation.

Is there a way to strip or hide that information before RT gets it's hands on it??

I saw something mentioned about stripmime but I have no idea how to set it up or make it work.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.
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