[rt-users] Children, dependencies, etc.

Stephane Bortzmeyer bortzmeyer at netaktiv.com
Thu May 2 03:43:07 EDT 2002

On Wed, May 01, 2002 at 01:43:30PM +0200,
 Bruce Campbell <bruce_campbell at ripe.net> wrote 
 a message of 26 lines which said:

> > children are still open or even a ticket when it has open dependencies.  Is
> > there a way (other than user training) to keep master tickets from being
> > closed until all children are either closed or unlinked?
> Currently, RT has the concept of such dependencies, but not all of the
> functionality behind said dependencies as yet.

I've noticed the same behavior than Kevin and the workaround I use is
a program run by cron to find out tickets closed ("base") while they
depend on open tickets ("targets"). You can even reopen them or raise
the priority of the target.

SELECT t_base.id,t_base.subject,l.type,t_target.id,t_target.subject 
   FROM links l,tickets t_target, tickets t_base 
   WHERE l.type = 'DependsOn' AND t_target.id = l.localtarget AND 
   t_base.status = 'resolved' AND t_base.id = l.localbase AND 
         (t_target.status = 'open' OR t_target.status = 'new');

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