[rt-users] RT-Originator

Vivek Khera khera at kcilink.com
Tue Oct 15 11:45:28 EDT 2002

>>>>> "CH" == Colin Henein <rt at cmh.parliant.com> writes:

CH> Hi there RT folks.
CH> We'd like to hide the RT-Originator header that gets generated when we
CH> reply to tickets by email.

CH> I've found the line:

CH>     $self->SetHeader('RT-Originator', $self->TransactionObj->CreatorObj->EmailAddress);    

CH> in Action/SendEmail.pm, and I'd like to know if it's safe to comment
CH> it out. Obviously commenting it out will remove the header, but I was
CH> wondering if that header is used internally by RT (on bounces, or
CH> future replies, or whatever).

Personally, I don't think it should be there at all in a human
readable format.  We've had some people dig through the messages and
reply to that address rather than just reply to the message.  We don't
want to leak our internal staff's email addresses, either.  People
like to bypass formal systems when they know they can reach a person

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