[rt-users] Re: Writing custom scrips in RT 3.0 web interface

Jesse Vincent jesse at bestpractical.com
Tue Jul 15 13:41:35 EDT 2003

On Tue, Jul 15, 2003 at 10:39:34AM +0200, Przemyslaw Jaroszewski wrote:
> My current issue is trying to find a comprehensive list of variables that 
> can be used in custom scrips and possible values that can be assigned to 
> them.

Well, "variables" isn't quite right, since you've got the full power of
perl in those templates. The entire RT api is available to you.

$Ticket, $Transaction, $Argument and $Requestor are available as
convenience variables. Full documentation on Ticket and Transaction
objects is available using perldoc.

> It seems many people are asking for more info on scrips on the mailing list 
> rt-users - without any luck :(
> Best regards
> Przemek

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