[rt-users] Performance (speed) of RT3

Ruslan U. Zakirov cubic at acronis.ru
Fri Nov 21 11:13:44 EST 2003

John Schubert wrote:
> On Thu, 2003-11-20 at 10:33, Dan L. Ostrom courageously wrote:
>>         Sorry to chime in late here, but I found this on Google:
>>         You are right, it can be a real *trip* feeding the right
>>parameters into a search engine to get what "you want".
>>         I used:   linux kernel tuning
> *blush* yes, I guess that's a hard one to have figured on using in
> Google (grammer police are probably wincing).  Thanks!  That site has a
> ton of good info and most importantly links to other good sites to
> compare/learn/etc.
> I will take everyone's advice and buy more memory.  It's cheap enough
> that I'll probably figure out how much this can handle (
> www.tomshardware.com or www.anandtech.com ) and max it.  This may be a
> dumb question, but since swap is usually larger than memory should I try
> to tweak my file partitions to adjust the swap to a larger slice?  I've
> never tried, but I know re-adjusting file partitions can get tricky and
> is inherently dangerous.  I'll probably not do it, but thought I'd ask.
> John
Swap only helps if you have rare touchable tasks which also has huge 
memory usage.

Apache - creates child process to serve new requests when no free childs 
available. Mysql do such things also.

Each request to RT touch one httpd process and hold this process for 
full request time and also do several sequent requests to mysql from 1 
up to "infinity".

So you have to try to limit spawning of new processes and fit in your 
max avail memory.

1) You can limit Mason memory cache.
2) Turn of keep alive in Apache.
3) Max request per child in Apache(to prevent apache growning due memory 
4) Update Params::Validate to latest(leaked memory)
5) Use tiny.conf from mysql example confs, but try to enable query cache.

		Best regards. Ruslan.

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