[rt-users] About to give up on RT!!

Ruslan U. Zakirov cubic at acronis.ru
Sun Nov 23 06:10:33 EST 2003

Matthew Kasa wrote:
> Here's my situation, I have MySql, Apache and RT
> successfully installed and ready to go but I can't get
> RT's web interface up and going. When I go to
> localhost.localdomain, I get the default apache
> webserver test page. Can anyone PLEASE help me out and
> take a look at my httpd.conf file and advise for any
> errors or mishaps. I will gladly give any informaiton
> you would like. I have attached it below. Thanks you
> so much in advance. 

You have to parts of apache conf: main server and virtual hosts.
By default after installation "main server" point to installed apache 
So if you want to serve only RT under this machine then you can change 
"main server" configuration.
If really want VHost so there is several ways:
1) IP based
2) Port based
3) Name based
4) Hybrid...
All about it here http://httpd.apache.org in separate article about 
Virtual Hosts.

For me easiest way is port based VHosts on machine with static IP for 
test suit server and IP based for production server.

You trying to use Named VHosts, so you should add

> <VirtualHost>
>     ServerName localhost.localdomain
>     DocumentRoot /opt/rt3/share/html
>     AddDefaultCharset UTF-8
>     PerlModule Apache::DBI
>     PerlRequire /opt/rt3/bin/webmux.pl
>     <Location>
>        SetHandler perl-script
>        PerlHandler RT::Mason
>     </Location>
> </VirtualHost>

Then restart apache. And try it. Look at logs access and error for more 

		Best regards. Ruslan.

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