[rt-users] Iso8859-1 to utf8 and vice versa

Einar Fagertun einar.fagertun at cc.uit.no
Tue Sep 16 11:15:46 EDT 2003


(tech info: rt3.0.2 runs on redhat 9.0, MySql and apache 2.0.40)

We have a problem with RT concerning the special norwegian characters æ ø and å.

letter    iso-8859-1  utf-8
--------- ----------- ----------
æ         0xF8        0xC3 0xA6
ø         0xE6        0xC3 0xB8
å         0xE5        0xC3 0xA5

(Typically we norwegians are not content with ending the alphabet on Z...) The problem occurs as follows:

I have a template in RT which contain the characters æ ø and å. When I send a mail from my test hotmail account to RT the autoreply that gets back to the hotmail account does not show æ ø and å correctly.

Now... As far as I understand pages in RT are in utf8, while hotmail generates iso8859-1 characters.

However, RT is able to show the incomming æ ø and ås correctly.

using hotmail to send mail to RT => (æ ø and å is shown correctly in the RT gui, displayed in utf8 encoding)
when RT sends autoreply, shown in hotmail => (æ ø & å is shown as ø Ã¥ æ (utf8) in the received message) 

There seems to be a problem in converting characters. Do you have any suggestions?

-Einar Fagertun

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