[rt-users] RT 3.0.10 on Debian testing

Stephen Quinney stephen.quinney at computing-services.oxford.ac.uk
Tue May 18 06:47:41 EDT 2004

On Mon, May 17, 2004 at 02:02:48PM -0600, Joel wrote:
> I'm currently installing RT on a debian system.
> I've installed the request-tracker3 debian package (3.0.10-2), Apache 
> (apache2-mpm-worker 2.0.49-1),
>   libapache2-mod-perl2 1.99.12-3.
> The problem I am running into is with the perl/Apache setup. My current 
> setup serves file from the /var/www directory. I have added the "Include 
> "/etc/request-tracker3/apache-modperl.conf" line into my Apache setup, 
> and have linked /etc/apache2/mods-available/perl.load into 
> /etc/apache2/mods-enabled.  I did have to move the "PerlRequire 
> /usr/share/request-tracker3/libexec/webmux.pl" line out of the 
> <Directory></> section since I was getting errors with mod_perl2.

With a bit of hacking I now have a working RT3 with Apache2/mod_perl2
on Debian testing/sarge.

I had to do this:

cp /usr/share/request-tracker3/libexec/webmux.pl \

and I made a /etc/request-tracker3/apache2-modperl.conf file like this:

PerlSwitches -I/usr/share/request-tracker3/lib/
PerlOptions +GlobalRequest
PerlModule  Apache2
PerlModule  Apache::compat
PerlSetVar  MasonArgsMethod  CGI

RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^(.*)/$ $1/index.html

Alias /rt /usr/share/request-tracker3/html/

PerlModule Apache::DBI
PerlModule RT::Mason

<Directory /usr/share/request-tracker3/html/>
 AddDefaultCharset UTF-8
 <FilesMatch "\.html$">
 SetHandler perl-script
 PerlHandler RT::Mason
 Order Allow,Deny
 Allow from localhost

This needs the perl and rewrite modules to be enabled.

Basically the PerlRequire was not working so I replaced it with a
change to the module include path and a PerlModule directive to
pre-load the module at start time. It all works fine now, although I
am not sure this is the most elegant solution. I don't understand why
the PerlRequire is not working as it should, any suggestions are

I will add an apache2-modperl.conf file into the next version of the
Debian request-tracker3 package that we upload along with notes as to
how I got RT3 working with Apache2/mod_perl2.

I hope this helps,

Stephen Quinney

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