[rt-users] New ticket created as resolved

Brookes, Iris Iris.Brookes at tdsecurities.com
Fri Jun 24 13:00:48 EDT 2005

I tried this code but it only works if the user is a super user -> does not work for regular/priviledged user accounts.

Under Global-> Group Rights -> Everyone 
I have set the current rights to:


Next, I've given specific rights to groups & queues. Do you have any idea why it does not work? Thanks for your time.



-----Original Message-----
From: Rick Russell [mailto:rickr at rice.edu]
Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2005 3:37 PM
To: Brookes, Iris; rt-users at lists.bestpractical.com
Subject: Re: [rt-users] New ticket created as resolved

 > I would like a specific email notification sent when a new ticket has
 > been created as resolved so I've implemented the code found at:

I had an easier time using a custom template rather than a scrip. The 
template is activated on ticket create. If the status is new, open or 
stalled it inserts some text. If the status is resolved, it inserts 
different text. I've appended the template below; have a look. There may 
be some odd EOL characters when my mailreader wraps the text.

Obligatory disclaimer: I grew up programming BASIC and Pascal. It shows.

Rick R.

Template Autoreply (Conditional):

Subject: {$Ticket->Subject}

if ( ($Ticket->Status eq 'new') || ($Ticket->Status eq 'open') || 
($Ticket->Status eq 'stalled') )
$OUT .=
"Thank you for submitting a request regarding:

Your request has been assigned ticket number [".$rtname." 

Please include [".$rtname." #".$Ticket->id()."] in the Subject line
of all correspondence about this request for help. A copy of your
request is included below for your reference.
elsif ($Ticket->Status eq 'resolved')
$OUT .=
"Thank you for contacting the Information Technology Help Desk.
For record-keeping purposes, we have assigned a ticket number
to your request: [".$rtname." #".$Ticket->id()."]

Since we resolved your problem during our conversation, you
will not receive further e-mails about this issue. If you
have any questions or comments, please contact us at xHELP
(x4357, 713-348-4357) or helpdesk\@rice\.edu and we will be
happy to assist you.

A copy of your request is included below for your reference.

You may review this request at


                         Thank you,
                         Rice University, Information Technology

(end template)

For computer help, call xHELP (x4357 or 713-348-4357)
On the web: http://helpdesk.rice.edu/
Rick Russell
Helpdesk Supervisor, Client Services
IT/Academic & Research Computing
Rice University
Voice: 713.348.5267  Fax: 713.348.6099
OpenPGP/GnuPG Public Key at ldap://certificate.rice.edu
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