[rt-users] Moving a ticket based on the subject line

Andreas Putzo putzoa at gmx.de
Thu Apr 27 00:38:44 EDT 2006

On Thursday 27 April 2006 06:13, Prasad Deshpande wrote:
> I am using RT 3.2.3, I have set one email-id for the helpdesk. Now
> based on the subject I want to transfer the tickets to different
> queues.
> For example, I have assigned helpdesk at xyz.com email-id to queue called
> general. Now based on the subject like 'PC', 'Software', 'Email' I
> want to move the tickets to PCQueue, SoftwareQueue, EmailQueue
> respectively.
> Is anybody had implement this? Any help will be greatly appreciated.

I had used procmail or maildrop for this.
You have to configure your MTA to forward all mails to procmail or 
maildrop, which then calls rt-mailgate with a different queue based on 
the subject line.

Another way would be a scrip in queue general, which changes the queue
if ($self->TicketObj->Subject =~ /Software/) {
  my ($status, $msg) = $self->TicketObj->SetQeue("SoftwareQueue");


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