[rt-users] ExtractCustomField Regexp Help Needed

Dirk Pape pape-rt at inf.fu-berlin.de
Thu Nov 1 10:09:35 EDT 2007

Hello Darren,

for historic reason ECFV uses "|" as delimiter in the template. If you use 
"|" in your regexp what you do the template will not behave as you might 

You can redefine the separator ECFV uses by inserting a line at the 
beginning of your scanner template, e.g.


then you write

Customer Name<#>body<#>CSR Contact Name\s*([\w*|\s*])*<#><#>

though I think you mean

Customer Name<#>body<#>CSR Contact Name\s*([\w\s]*)<#><#>

which will match "Test Customer" into your custom field.

You will need ECVF Version 1.1b2 or later to change the separator. Actual 
version is 1.2b3 


--Am 31. Oktober 2007 21:47:33 -0400 schrieb Darren Ellis 
<darren at mepad.net>:

> Hello,
> I am using ExtractCustomField to try to populate some custom fields by
> scanning for values in the body of the incoming message.  My regexp needs
> to match a starting string and then grab everything to the end of the
> line.  I have the regexp working with egrep in the bash shell, but my
> custom fields aren't being populated.
> Here's the output of the egrep command:
> [dge at squidward ~]$ egrep 'CSR Contact Name\s*([\w*|\s*])*' CSRFile
> CSR Contact Name Test Customer
> [dge at squidward ~]$
> Here's the contents of CSRFile:
> [dge at squidward ~]$ cat CSRFile
> CSR Contact Name Test Customer
> [dge at squidward ~]$
> Here's the relevant line of my CFExtract Template (#18):
> Customer Name|body|CSR Contact Name\s*([\w*|\s*])*||
> Here's the contents of my Scrip (#16)
> Description: CFExtract
> Condition:   On Create
> Action:      Extract Custom Field Values
> Template:    CFExtract
> Stage:       TransactionCreate
> I do have one working that simply grabs a number from the subject line,
> so I believe that the ExtractCustomField add-on is working properly.
> Could some kind regexp/rt expert point me in the right direction?
> Thank you.
> Darren
> Darren Ellis
> darren at mepad.net
> Office: (207) 376-0137, x2201
> Mobile: (207) 841-4000

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