[rt-users] [Fwd: Create Ticket but only if Custom Field is...]

Matt Westfall mwestfall at factory7.com
Mon Nov 5 13:54:35 EST 2007

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They are condition checks.  Only 1 of them needs to be met.  That's why
they are return 1.  If any of them are True, then the scrip should run
the template.

Todd Chapman wrote:
> The code you posted makes no sense. It has a bunch of "return 1"
> statements in it so most of it will never be executed. Clean it up and
> post it and I'll help.
> ----------------
> Now playing: The Decemberists - California One/Youth and Beauty Brigade
> http://foxytunes.com/artist/the+decemberists/track/california+one+youth+and+beauty+brigade
> On 11/5/07, Matt Westfall <mwestfall at factory7.com> wrote:
> I wish someone would please help me with this relatively simple task.  I
> bought the RT Essentials book, and the only example it has is creating a
> new ticket off of a straight Resolve with no conditions.
> Can someone please help me with this!?!?!
> I'm having the hardest time figuring out how to create a ticket based on
> the status of a Custom Field.
> I have two Custom Fields
> 1: Billable
> It's a select one field with values of:
>    Yes
>    No
>    Covered
>    Gratis
> 2: Followup
>  It's a select one field with values of:
>     Yes
>     No
> I have the two corresponding scrips written:
> 1: Invoice
> Condition: User Defined
> Action: Create Tickets
> Template: Generate-Invoice
> Custom Condition:
> return 0 unless $trans->Type eq "Resolve";
> return undef unless
> ($self->TicketObj->FirstCustomFieldValue('Name_of_your_Custom_Field') =~
> /Yes/i);
> return 1;
> return undef unless
> ($self->TicketObj->FirstCustomFieldValue('Name_of_your_Custom_Field') =~
> /Gratis/i);
> return 1;
> return undef unless
> ($self->TicketObj->FirstCustomFieldValue('Name_of_your_Custom_Field') =~
> /Covered/i);
> return 1;
> 2:
> Condition: User Defined:
> Action: Create Tickets:
> Template: generate-followup
> Custom Condition:
> return 0 unless $trans->Type eq "Resolve";
> return undef unless ($self->TicketObj->FirstCustomFieldValue('Followup')
> =~ /Yes/i);
> return 1;
> I have two corresponding templates created:
> 1:
> ===Create-Ticket: generate-invoice
> Queue:  Accounting
> Subject: Invoice: { $Tickets{'TOP'} -> Subject() }
> Requestor: {$Tickets{'TOP'}->OwnerObj->EmailAddress() }
> RefersTo:  {$Tickets{'TOP'}->Id() }
> Content: Please generate an invoice for this customer.
> Billable was set to:
> {$Tickets}{'TOP'}->TicketObj->FirstCustomFieldValue('Billable')}
> Billable hours was set to:
> {$Tickets}{'TOP'}->TicketObj->FirstCustomFieldValue('Billable Hours')}
> Please refer to previous ticket for more information.
> 2:
> ===Create-Ticket: generate-followup
> Queue:  Customer Service
> Subject: Invoice: { $Tickets{'TOP'} -> Subject() }
> Requestor: {$Tickets{'TOP'}->OwnerObj->EmailAddress() }
> RefersTo:  {$Tickets{'TOP'}->Id() }
> Content: A follow up was requested on this ticket.  Please refer to
> previous ticket for more information.
> I then created a test ticket with Billable set to Yes and Followup to
> Yes, and neither ticket spawned!!!
> Help please!!!
> Thanks in advance,
> Matt Westfall
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