[rt-users] Cookies Problem with RT 3.8.5

Varun varun.vyas at elitecore.com
Wed Nov 4 04:49:44 EST 2009

Hello All


Yesterday I have upgraded from 3.6.3 to 3.8.5 all has works well. But I m
facing a strange problem for e.g. I have logged with root user and all
operations works fine but when I logged in with other user after logging out
I has got window and all queues which "root user has access". I have checked
credentials of the other user but It was a normal user with no admin
privileges. But still I was able to look in the queues that only admin can
see. Once I have cleared the cache cookies form browser then my normal
user's home page was fine and I can able to see the queue which that user is
supposed to see. But again when I logged in with admin user I was seeing the
queue of my previous user and not been able to see the admin queues. I am
facing this problem with my new installation (i.e. upgradation from 3.6.3 to
3.8.5 ) I have checked all stuffs with my browser but it is fine and also I
have no problem in switching users and I was able to see the home pages of
relevant users when I have used my beta machine having RT 3.6.3 installed 


Please can any one suggest me what is problem with my installation .


Thanks & Regards

Varun Vyas



From: Joop [mailto:JoopvandeWege at mococo.nl] 
Sent: Wednesday, November 04, 2009 1:01 PM
To: Varun
Cc: rt-users at lists.bestpractical.com
Subject: Re: [rt-users] Database upgrade issue from RT 3.6.3 to RT 3.8.4


Varun wrote: 

Hello Joop


As per your guessing you are right I am facing problem of corruption in sql
query when I upgraded from 3.6.3 to 3.8.6 application is working fine but
when I want to look at page where custom fields are or want to see the page
where tickets basics are there. I am not able to go that page and RT doesn't
seem too returned with that page and goes in unending loop of query firing
and also I get the query which I posted to you which is not firing as per
your suggestion. So can you can help me in how to fix this problem I am not
been able to find any solution for it.


Any help is highly appreciated.

I'm sorry but that is something that changed in RT and I'm not able to help
you there. Basically what I wrote to rt-devel is that probably there is a
mix up in column names and the query should read:

SELECT   main.*
  FROM   Attributes main
 WHERE       (main.OBJECTID = '221')
         AND (main.Name = 'BasedOn')
         AND (main.ObjectType = 'RT::CustomField')

instead of:

SELECT   main.*
  FROM   Attributes main
 WHERE       (main.Content = '221')
         AND (main.Name = 'BasedOn')
         AND (main.ObjectType = 'RT::CustomField')
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