[rt-users] What RT statistics/metrics do you report on?

Hersker, Steve SHersker at TNGUS.com
Tue Jul 5 12:07:05 EDT 2011

Not a technical issue, but I was wondering what RT stats folks report
on/review periodically?

For 5+ years, our RT reports consisted of exporting to an Excel
spreadsheet followed by copy/paste/update of formulas/etc.  Mildly time
consuming but the larger issues we had were that we were unable to
report stats based on a user's Organization and we were unable to get a
lot of detail on a per-engineer basis. 

When we upgraded to RT 4.0, I took the opportunity to add a couple of
custom fields and wrote a Perl script to extract and report on various
metrics instead of using Excel. This allows us to now report on
Division/Site (stored in the Organization field) and get more detail for
each support engineer.

For example, we report monthly on the following (both overall and per
support engineer):
Tickets Created
Tickets Resolved
Hours recorded & % of hours recorded (based on business days in month)
Average minutes per ticket
% Submitted via Phone
% Submitted via Email 
Average days to resolve
Resolved Same Day 
Resolved Next Day
Resolved two or more days
  [A note on the "Resolved" calculations: I use date::manip to calculate
business days instead of calendar days. Eg a ticket comes in at 4:30pm
on Friday and is resolved by 9:00am Monday, that's "resolved - same day"
- within 8 business hours. The old Excel reports would show that as
resolved in 3 days, which to me wasn't fair.]

Ticket count, hours and Avg min/ticket (% and total for each) for 
- Ticket "Type" (Issue, Request or Project)
- Ticket "Category" (problem category and topic, eg. "Workstation" and
then within that "Application install/fix", "hardware repair/upgrade",
"OS fix/rebuild", etc)
- Division

Then, "Top Five" by both ticket count and time recorded:
- Category / Topic
- Site

One small issue is that ticket time is only allocated to the Owner of
the ticket. So, if someone records 2 hours of time on a ticket they
don't own, they don't get credit for it. But, in our group that's a
fairly small occurrence. Also "time recorded" is only reported on
tickets that were Resolved the previous month. So, if an engineer logged
40 hours on a ticket but didn't resolve it yet, that time doesn't show
up until the next month (or whenever they resolve the ticket). I'd
rather see actual time recorded in a month but, again, not yet worth the
effort to adjust the report, especially since the time shows up sooner
or later.
One stat I'd like to add soon is Average Minutes per User (per Site).
For example, if we have Site A with 50 users and Site B with 5 users and
both have 10 hours of time, that might not stand out in the "Top Five"
but would in Minutes/User, prompting me to wonder and research why we
spend 10x more support for the smaller site etc.

I realize with RT's infinite flexibility, there are a great many ways to
use it. But, I am curious to see what else anyone might report on?


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