[rt-users] NTLM and fetchmail

Raphaël MOUNEYRES raphael.mouneyres at sagemcom.com
Tue May 24 05:31:12 EDT 2011


on a RT3.8.8 i've successfully configured NTLM authentification, but now i 
have a problem with fetchmail wich takes the emails from an imap server.
Fetchmail is able to grab the messages, but when forwarding to 
/opt/rt3/sbin/rt-mailgate, apache is answering an "401 Authorization 
required" so emails are not passed to RT (nor deleted from the server)

I beleive i have a misconfiguration either in apache or fetchmail rc file, 
but can't get it to work correctly, may someone have a look ?

*/1 * * * 1-5 root fetchmail -f /root/.fetchmailrc -v

.fetchmailrc   (placed in /root/)
poll imapserver proto imap
user user at yy.com
pass xxxxx
mda "perl /opt/rt3/bin/rt-mailgate --url http://myserver --queue General 
--action correspond"

<VirtualHost myserver:80>
   ServerName myserver
   ServerAdmin xx at yy.com

   DocumentRoot /opt/rt3/share/html
   AddDefaultCharset UTF-8
 <Directory /opt/rt3/share/html/>
       Order allow,deny
       Allow from all
       AuthName "Request Tracker"
       AuthType NTLM
       NTLMAuth on
       NTLMAuthoritative on
       NTLMDomain mydomain
       NTLMServer machine.mydomain
       require valid-user

   PerlModule Apache2::compat
   PerlModule Apache::DBI
   PerlRequire /opt/rt3/bin/webmux.pl

   <Location />
            SetHandler perl-script
            PerlHandler RT::Mason
   <Location /NoAuth>
        Satisfy any
        Allow from all


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