[svk-users] SVK 2.2.0 beta1 is released

Chia-liang Kao clkao at clkao.org
Tue Aug 5 12:25:45 EDT 2008

Hi all,

I am pleased to announce that SVK 2.2.0 beta 1 is now available
from CPAN:

 file: $CPAN/authors/id/C/CL/CLKAO/SVK-v2.1.99_01.tar.gz
 size: 502021 bytes
  md5: 031b50c482091dc1d84d888139f14dfa

We have a bunch of improvements and new features since 2.1 was
intended to be released, so we restarted the release cycle.  Here it is.

This is a beta for our next major release, featuring branch management
("svk branch" subcommand) that allows you create online and offline
branches easily, and perform push, pull and smerge between them.
We are working on revising the tutorial to make use of the much
simplified commands.

We also support a new bootstrap option to initialize a mirror
from an svn dump file, which can be an URL stored on the
svk:dump-url property on the server.  This makes initial sync a
lot faster.

We also update the pkg/buildsvk.pl script for making it easier to build
standalone binaries, so please help if you are interested in building
binaries for your platform.

A snapshot of the win32 binary can be found at:


Known issues:
- LWP::UserAgent is a missing optional dependency, you need it if you
  want to bootstrap from a remote dump file.
- Compressed dump file for bootstrap does not work on Win32.


[Changes for 2.2.0 - 11 Aug, 2008]

  New features
    * Branch support as 'svk branch' subcommand
    * SVKBATCHMODE environment variable

    * Require Time::Progress

  Mirror subsystem
    * New bootstrap option to initialize a mirror from an svn dump
      file, which can be an URL stored on the svk:dump-url property on
      the server
    * When committing or merging to a mirror, avoid roundtripping
      the latest revision (requires Subversion 1.5)
    * Fix a bug when mirroring a copy revision with unnormalized
      revision outside mirror anchor and newer th an anchor head
    * Fix URI escape issues for pushing changes to mirrors
    * Support mirroring a source that was renamed from somewhere else
    * Fix svk sync where a copy is made from revisions condensed with
      snapshot made by previous sync --skipto

  Merge subsystem
    * Bugfixes for opened file handle passed to editor under win32,
      causing file to be opened as read-only
    * Fix a problem that merge-ticket might be reverted on mirror
      in some cases
    * Fix a bug when merging a copy with modification to the copied
      source, it might cause checksum error
    * Addition of equality check for merge tickets
    * Better conflict handling that remembers the type of conflict,
      handling of data from the merge editor


    * Test coverage for offlining existing branches (both offline and
    * TODO tests for renaming of an intermediate branch tracking
    * Test coverage for pulling into a branch from a local branch
    * Test coverage for checking out to a path from svk br --checkout
    * Test coverage for modifying property changes (including conflicts)
    * Fixed tests for baseless smerge
    * Test coverage for switching a branch and proper handling of
      merge tickets

    * General Documentation cleanup
    * Documentation for SVK::Info properly matches expected output
    * Conversion to use SVK::Log (and Log::Log4perl) for output
    * Add an option of '0' to select "No project" if there is not a
      project to use while mirroring a new URI
    * svk will not set property status as modified when a path is added or
    * svk now stores known conflict types (provided by merge editor) in
      .conflict property
    * General usability for working with files no longer exists in HEAD

  svk commit
    * A property may have a conflict when the node is ok, so combine
      them in the target list

  svk merge
    * Don't write to the log if it is a check run, regardless of -l option

  svk resolved
    * svk resolved will resolve all conflicts in a checkout path

  svk update
    * Add custom svk:merge property resolver handler to handle merging
      of merge tickets properly

    * svk will not clobber upstream Log::Log4perl configurations

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