[svk-users] trying to get unfuddled with SVK ~or~ using SVK to replay SVN changes elsewhere

Adam Monsen haircut at gmail.com
Fri Nov 28 13:23:00 EST 2008

Here's my followup in case anyone else wants to do what I wanted to do
with svn/svk (see original post).

I'm happy to report that Sergi Blanch i Torné's recent email (subject:
"svk to sync two mirrors") was exactly what I needed, and his steps
using an smerge worked perfectly. Thanks, Sergi!

On Wed, Nov 19, 2008 at 2:37 AM, Alexander Dahl wrote:
> The first and easiest is to ask the old
> hoster to make a dump of the svn repo and send it to you.

This (and svnsync) would indeed be useful save that the destination
repository already has existing revisions... I actually wanted each
commit in the source repository to show up as new commit in the
destination repository.

> Just an idea: as step two create a mirror of the new subversion repo in
> your svk depot. You should have two mirrored paths then, e.g.
> "//mirrors/old" and "//mirrors/new". You should then create local
> branches of that mirrors with `svk cp`. You could then merge the changes
> from the branch derived from the old mirror to the second branch derived
> from the new mirror. Finally you push changes from the 'new' branch back
> to the 'new' mirror.

I'm not sure I understand... why are local branches necessary? Perhaps
a more complete example would help.

Adam Monsen

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